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Spreadsheet in a sentence

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Sentence count:125+3Posted:2017-05-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: spreadspread outspreaderbedspreadwidespreadoverspreadspread oversheetMeaning: ['spredʃɪːt]  n. a screen-oriented interactive program enabling a user to lay out financial data on the screen. 
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91, Because it is so easy to experiment with different numbers, spreadsheet software is particularly useful for what-if analysis.
92, Date Conversion Sheet: You can create a spreadsheet that converts the IBM Cognos Controller date format to more desirable format.
93, Unbound mode is also suited for spreadsheet - like or sparsely populated tables.
94, Start a simple list or spreadsheet of the different types of users, different groups of users, and the kinds of activities they will perform with the portal.
95, The following spreadsheet shows the annual interest earned on different deposit amounts from different sources.
96, Files are saved in spreadsheet compatible format for graphing manipulation and printing.
97, This paper presents a general-purpose report generator in spreadsheet, which processes frame of report by graph array and achieves displaying with multiple window.
98, Note - if the spreadsheet column is not wide enough to show all available decimal places, then the spreadsheet will round the number to the available column width.
99, Remember that 100 rows of data with five data clusters would likely take a few hours of computation with a spreadsheet, but WEKA can spit out the answer in less than a second.
100, The spreadsheet data is necessary for end of month reports and sales forecasting.
101, In the mock-up, the bank was a simple spreadsheet, one row per day.
102, I remember thinking that you would need a special spreadsheet for this.
103, Spreadsheet applications are computer programs that let you create and manipulate spreadsheets.
104, While teaching, I used a spreadsheet as a grading program.
105, Bonobo and UNO will be working together, so you can easily embed a StarOffice spreadsheet into another application," he said.
106, You can compile and store a fairly simple repository of actual delivery times in a spreadsheet or database for future retrieval.
107, Channels can help(, or you can put the numbers into a spreadsheet.
108, Presenting results in a static spreadsheet or table may do the job.
109, This wizard creates a crosstab query that displays data in a compact, spreadsheet - like format.
110, To write the XML to an Excel spreadsheet, iterate through the XML and set cell values and formatting.
111, Basically, the XML contents document contains an office:spreadsheet element, which itself includes a table:table element representing each individual sheet in the spreadsheet.
112, Users could hook it up to their TV sets to play games, and its spreadsheet program made it popular with small businesses.
113, Open up a spreadsheet and highlight the cells you want to send.
114, In computer programming, a combined database management, spreadsheet and graphics package.
115, We set up a very detailed budget using a very simple spreadsheet.
116, Next, the script uses the PDO getColumnMeta() method to return the column names of the result set, and it writes these column names to the spreadsheet as a header row, using the updateCell() method.
117, Plot the readings on graph paper or in a spreadsheet and look for a pattern to emerge.
118, Ability to travel when necessary and use of computer word processing and spreadsheet.
119, Of a specific medical XT document analysis, to resolve TXT documents, generate EXCEL spreadsheet.
120, Note that Gnumeric can store the spreadsheet data in a compressed format.
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