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Spreadsheet in a sentence

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Sentence count:125+3Posted:2017-05-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: spreadspread outspreaderbedspreadwidespreadoverspreadspread oversheetMeaning: ['spredʃɪːt]  n. a screen-oriented interactive program enabling a user to lay out financial data on the screen. 
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31, For example, he uses a spreadsheet to teach the relationship between force and mass.
32, This amounts of money charged per hour is information which is currently missing from the spreadsheet.
33, To illustrate this I want to put a bar chart and a table from the spreadsheet in my word-processed document.
34, The reason is that a spreadsheet program is generally inefficient at performing calculations and so much of the theoretical gain is lost.
35, What do you tackle first,[] the spreadsheet graphics or the electronic publishing system?
36, This is called drag and drop, and it's a pleasant way to shuffle your spreadsheet about.
37, It is a useful addition to the growing volume of material available covering spreadsheet techniques of interest to scientists.
38, The graph provides an overall picture of the data which makes spotting trend or correlation of data in your spreadsheet.
39, Any spreadsheet should be able to calculate the present value of payments made over a fixed term.
40, In short, a spreadsheet can provide a workable method of record keeping.
41, The most significant enhancement is the inclusion of Wysiwyg add-in which does allow reports from the spreadsheet to be rather more stylish.
42, These facilities are sure to impress expert spreadsheet users, especially those with experience of Lotus 123.
43, Some software manufacturers sell inventory programs, but you also can custom-tailor your own using a computer spreadsheet or data base.
44, Take, for example, a desktop publishing package and a spreadsheet for the Macintosh.
45, The other tip is to use an area of spreadsheet that is well away from the Input range but easily accessible.
46, Word processor packages can accept drawings, bitmaps, spreadsheet data and so on.
47, I've attached the latest spreadsheet for you to look at.
48, Nomatterhow you achieve it you need expanded memory for a spreadsheet such as SuperCalc or a DOS version of Lotus.
49, And its innovative user interface features reduce or eliminate the number of steps needed to perform standard spreadsheet operations.
50, You can usually find your way around any spreadsheet if you are familiar with the Lotus 1-2-3 commands.
51, Business-oriented spreadsheet applications can be set up to solve these problems,( and special-purpose capital budgeting software packages are readily available.
52, The computer features prominently in both the Standard Grade and Higher courses, particularly in terms of spreadsheet applications.
53, This contrasts strongly with the simplicity of word processing, data base or even spreadsheet software.
54, Extracts the contents of the spreadsheet XML document file.
55, This spreadsheet contains all our sales and profit figures.
56, Creates new chart using data in spreadsheet selection.
57, Electronic spreadsheet software is perfectly suitable to engineering calculation.
58, We created a weekly Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet that contained an analysis of the information gathered that week.
59, In the spreadsheet, a single - click will select exactly one whole cell.
60, Electronic spreadsheet packages can be used by end users as a tool to develop ways to analyze information.
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