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Sleek in a sentence

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Sentence count:155+4Posted:2016-11-30Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: glossypolishedslicksmoothSimilar words: sleepsleevesleepygo to sleepfall asleepseekweekGreekMeaning: [slɪːk]  v. make slick or smooth. adj. 1. having a smooth, gleaming surface 2. well-groomed and neatly tailored; especially too well-groomed 3. designed or arranged to offer the least resistant to fluid flow. 
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91. Sleek and super advanced the Ocean Scooter FX inflatable battery powered Water Ski is a fantastic product that will bring joy and excitement to your family.
92. If have any indocile broken hair, need only them gently backward sleek can.
93. If you want to go for vaginal penetration, choose a sleek, slim dildo or vibrator instead.
94. Sleek, chic and sizable, this contemporary bangle watch features removable links for a custom fit.
95. Picture a serpentine tangle of a thousand snakes, piled together cozily, calm and sleek in their subterranean nook, jointly awaiting the signals of spring.
96. So let her remain, sleek, slender Monique, as she was for a minute or two: a delinquent nymphet shining through the matter-of-fact young whore.
97. A long sleek one for the Mediterranean or a tiny one for your bathtub?
98. Yet he is always represented clean , combed , and sleek , in spotless raiment, erect.
99. These wild horses, swift and alert, roam where they please, led by a few sleek steeds.
100. I stroked its sleek down and instead of being afraid, it would give my fingers two friendly pecks.
101. The price reflects the talismanic status that the coat held, back in the days when Mourinho prowled the Stamford Bridge touchline in it, sleek as a panther and smug as a Cheshire cat.
102. Atlantic light, the mournful wail of fado, enchanting palaces - and also sharp bars, sleek design stores and Santa Caterina street parties.
103. Sleek on the outside(, the interior of Shin - Koto feels more like a modern museum.
104. This sleek and aesthetically pleasing compact design covers all your beauty needs.
105. Rich calf skin leather upper with tonal stitching and moc toe for a classic and sleek look.
106. It was powder blue and sleek[1] looking.The kind of car you dream about.
107. Sleek, gray reef sharks cruise past a remote - control camera in the waters the Bikini Atoll.
108. The sleek swordtail is an agile swimmer and needs plenty of room.
109. Dressier than flats, kitten heels can be as fetching as stilettos, especially when they have pointed toes and sleek, low-cut silhouettes -- no T-straps or ankle straps.
110. Short, smooth and sleek, solid color, in shades of mouse-gray to silver-gray, usually blending to lighter shades on the head and ears.
111. Languorous , luxurious , soft and sleek , the yarns can be smart and classic ,( but with a hidden edge of perversion .
112. And at a time when hobbyist computers were boxy wooden affairs with metal chassis, he designed the Apple II as a sleek, low-slung plastic package intended for the den or the kitchen.
113. Re-striping sleek new PCs with the old operating system is simply going to make less and less sense, even if the IT department has a perfectly good site license.
114. As the bulky cathode-ray tube televisions of the past turned into the sleek, flat-screen televisions of today, another shift started to occur.
115. The cars are frequently sleek, late-model SUVs or high-horsepower sedans with discreet emergency lights and siren packages.
116. There are only three sharks that regularly attack humans. The massive great white, the swift, sleek tiger, and the often-ignored, but dangerous, bull shark.
117. Nevertheless, tide directive tells us, sleek bingle is not fashionable.
118. The hostesses who pour drinks in Japan's sleek gentlemen's clubs were once shunned because their duties were considered immodest: lavishing adoring (albeit nonsexual) attention on men for a hefty fee.
119. In 1980, Toto, the market leader, introduced its “Washlet” toilet, a sleek beauty with a heated seat and jet-spray bidet.
120. Today's wireless device is the sleek mobile phone nestling in your pocket.
More similar words: sleepsleevesleepygo to sleepfall asleepseekweekGreekseek outcheekfleegleeweeklyfleetweekendislehassleaislesleightdyslexiaChrysler
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