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Sigint in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2018-10-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: dig intosigildig inoriginobligingoriginalaborigineoriginateMeaning: n. intelligence information gathered from communications intelligence or electronics intelligence or telemetry intelligence. 
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1 Listing 1 shows how to ignore a SIGINT.
2 Embassies with known sigint capabilities currently targeting Isaf include Russia, China, Pakistan, India and Iran.
3 This sends the SIGINT to the process to kill it.
4 There was no need for SIGINT aircraft to approach the deadly zone around the carrier, and when the radar track was established, the SIGINT aircraft would search other areas.
5 It noted that Russian signals intelligence (sigint) had assisted Roshan to expand its nationwide cellular services.
6 During this time Russian sigint units were monitoring Isaf and coalition communications through the Roshan network.
7 The system provided by Thales allows the interception, analysis, decoding,( recording and processing of Signal Intelligence (SIGINT).
8 Later in this tip you see how a process can trap signals and not terminate, but here you use the interrupt signal (SIGINT) to terminate the clock.
9 The SR-5124 is the first SIGINT system that integrates ELINT and COMINT that captures radio, satcom, telemetry, and radar signals simultaneously and synchronously.
10 For instance, SIGINT (signal 2) is an interrupt generated from the terminal; typically, this is the keyboard.
11 The National Security Agency is responsible for providing foreign Signals Intelligence, or SIGINT, to our nation's political policy-makers and military forces.
12 The first trap command causes the stopsleep function to be run whenever a SIGCHLD, SIGINT, or SIGTERM signal is received.
13 The fine signature analysis of electric signal has long been playing an important role in such field as ESM, SIGINT reconnaissance and EW.
14 It prints a status message and sends the sleep command a SIGINT signal.
15 China also is interested in electronic intelligence ( ELINT ) or signals intelligence ( SIGINT ) reconnaissance satellites.
16 Lets now look at a bare bones script that catches SIGINT and SIGQUIT.
17 The script contained in Listing 7 below ignores the signals SIGINT and SIGQUIT until after the sleep command has finished.
More similar words: dig intosigildig inoriginobligingoriginalaborigineoriginateunoriginaloriginallydigital signalaboriginaloriginatoraboriginesobliginglyoriginal sinoriginationoriginalismoriginalityoriginatingoriginativevertiginousdisobligingoriginate insignificant digitsignificant digitsoriginal copyplace of originoriginal costdigital signature
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