Similar words: blameless, chameleon, homelessness, homeless, timeless, shapeless, shame, ashamed. Meaning: ['ʃeɪmlɪs]
adj. feeling no shame.
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1. Did you see the shameless way she was chucking herself at him?
2. He's shameless about his cheating and lying.
3. She is quite shameless about her ambition.
4. She's quite shameless about wearing sexy clothes at work.
4. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. They seem to have a shameless disregard for truth.
6. He blarneys the ladies with the most shameless lies.
7. She blarneys her leader with the shameless compliments.
8. She's a shameless hussy.
9. And even more shameless self-promoting than usual.
10. She unshelled his shameless lies.
11. O false and shameless woman(, I am your husband.
12. This shameless power grab is the work of Rep.
13. This is just another shameless attempt by the Opposition to gain power at any cost.
14. It is a shameless form of payola for those who have helped a political party to get elected.
15. It seemed quite shameless to me then but it would probably seem tame to today's youngsters.
16. One, Abigail Church, remained somewhat shameless in pursuing him, even after I had become a fixture in his life.
17. The book also tackles the shameless predicament of feeling desperate.
18. Isabel trembled, half afraid, half shocked, at such shameless, hitherto unknown longings.
19. He's a shameless flirt.
20. Lewis is shameless in making promises he doesn't intend to keep.
21. He is a shameless liar.
22. " You are shameless,'said Hsin - mei .
23. Mercy, how he turned at the man's shameless duplicity.
24. When pressed, he would make shameless excuses.
25. But what a shameless rewriting of history!
26. And yet, he could see in his grandfather a shameless self-importance, a profound sense of entitlement.
27. To intense, hardworking young Taylor, the practice could scarcely have seemed like anything but the most shameless sloth.
28. To be moral is to be kind, righteous, fair and just, and to be immoral is to be shameless, sinful, corrupt and evil. Dr T.P.Chia ![](/images/enter.jpg)
29. Some one who annoyed with her need for sympathy, who irritated with her shameless display of pathos.
30. She could hear herself talking to anyone who would listen about the shameless hussy.
More similar words: blameless, chameleon, homelessness, homeless, timeless, shapeless, shame, ashamed, shameful, unashamed, shamefully, shambles, enameled, carelessness, uselessness, hopelessness, useless, ageless, careless, hopeless, clueless, faceless, tireless, nonetheless, uselessly, lifeless, wireless, baseless, ceaseless, priceless.