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Set-to in a sentence

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Sentence count:10+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-10-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: settoset tofalsettoset to workset to rightsget to the bottom ofget tosettMeaning: n. a brief but vigorous fight. 
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1. He had a set-to with one of his workmates.
2. They had the most frightful set-to.
3. We had a bit of a set-to with the neighbours.
4. Dad had a bit of a set-to with the neighbours about their playing loud music all the time.
5. Tom and I had a bit of a set-to last night.
6. "I hear you and Pattie had a real set-to(," Sonsini began.
7. This was the subject of a bit of a set-to between Smith and his record company.
8. Then they had done a short walk along the Lagan, the mood teetering precariously between rapprochement and a set-to.
9. Over in the House of Commons, the boss of Barclays, Bob Diamond, had a robust set-to with MPs today in the Treasury Select Committee.
10. As Jupiter and Neptune in your sign each get into a set-to with Mercury, you'll start questioning why your own life has been disrupted by extra responsibilities.
More similar words: settoset tofalsettoset to workset to rightsget to the bottom ofget tosettghettobettorget togetherabettorget-togetheramarettostilettosetteesettersettleforget to dopalmettolibrettoSET TIMEsettlorrosettesettlersettledsettingghettoizesweet toothget to sleep
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