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Roar in a sentence

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Sentence count:151+13Posted:2017-02-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: boomclamorthunderSimilar words: uproarroaringuproarioussoarboardcoarseaboardon boardMeaning: [rɔr /rɔː]  n. 1. a deep prolonged loud noise 2. a very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal) 3. the sound made by a lion. v. 1. make a loud noise, as of wind, water, or vehicles 2. utter words loudly and forcefully 3. emit long loud cries 4. act or proceed in a riotous, turbulent, or disorderly way 5. make a loud noise, as of animal 6. laugh unrestrainedly and heartily. 
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91. What toys birds are when stags roar and roar their month-long rage of thunderstorm and waterfall combined.
92. A few moments later Merrill heard his car start, then roar away into the night.
93. They were moving about in an agitated manner and sweating early in the morning and shouting, which created the roar.
94. The roar of the water coming down the gully drummed at my ears as I inched the Toyota into the bend.
95. The first try came after five minutes and prompted a cheerful roar from the home crowd.
96. Take off in the Lincoln Continental or roar away out of town in the Transam and it was worse.
97. It makes a pleasant whirring sound instead of the insidious roar that power mowers produce.
98. A glass partition in the typing-pool imploded with a shattering roar.
99. He lay there, frozen as a mullet, listening to the ceaseless roar of the wind.
100. The guns opened up with a deafening roar, and immediately the lights were switched off.
101. Then a sudden roar of rage: the beefy tattooed barman.
102. Beneath its denunciation of war and its apparent modernity there is the chauvinist roar of good and evil.
103. Frequently and for no apparent reason, there would be a chilling burst of wind and a roar as of a passing train.
104. When he opened the door downstairs, he heard the roar of a motorboat leaving from the boathouse at the back.
105. I shall never forget his roar of anguish on hearing the terrible news.
106. Ah, the roar of nations, they roar like the roaring of mighty waters!
107. With the roar of the crowd at a Blue Jays baseball game?
108. Dazed, we wandered along flat ground towards the lake, when we heard the roar of an approaching speedboat.
109. There was an ear-splitting roar as the jets took off.
110. I trust that the Times editorial policy under Parks will begin with the business-side difficulties kept down to a dull roar.
111. Now the rattle and roar of the tube faded abruptly as it surfaced into bright sunlight.
112. With crackling roar... it came down upon the Union line.
113. But the red-beard had already let out a roar of fury, and launched himself forward.
114. Louie bellowed out a roar that must have penetrated to not only Kitty upstairs but the lord too.
115. The roar of the Jeep's high-revving engine had drowned the turbine's sound.Sentencedict
116. Just then, from the hallway came a roar as a stack of empty orange crates crashed to the floor.
117. I hear their planes roar overhead, leaving a trail of snow across the sky.
118. As I rose to answer there was a roar of laughter from the Labour benches.
119. Wave after wave of starlings take off at short 2-3 minute intervals, with a great roar of whirring wings.
120. The wind howled and the surf continued to roar as we explored beyond our landing point; we visited a ruined chapel.
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