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Riveting in a sentence

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Sentence count:78Posted:2017-04-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: absorbingengrossingfascinatinggrippingSimilar words: rivetprivetvettingmeetinggreetingfleetingpicketingmarketingMeaning: ['rɪvɪt]  adj. capable of arousing and holding the attention. 
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31. Now an elder statesman, ambition frustrated but perforce sated, he is positioned to tell a riveting story.
32. This Krakatoa is at once exhausting and riveting .
33. Hydraulic system supplied large punching and riveting force.
34. Riveting has given way almost entirely to welding.
35. YZM series riveting pressure machine(, 4.
36. Designed for riveting golf bag bottom.
37. The utility model relates to an ultrasonic riveting device.
38. Hydraulic system supplied large punching and riveting fore.
39. Our factory in using high-new technology, the latest speaker on workmanship years of exploration, developed the speaker dispensing machines printer, terminal riveting machine, production line and.
40. In terms of the feature of the self-piercing riveting process test, the evaluation index system for the riveting process program is constructed.
41. Lee serves up riveting crime drama as dark and unflinching as TV's finest cop shows.
42. The working table is adjustable while the riveting unit remains fixed.
43. Strong technical force, a senior riveting workers, senior welder, senior fitter people.
44. They then gave a riveting press conference at 11 o '.
45. A new algorithm is presented for position regulating of aerofoil bracket on an and riveting machine.
46. For Chinese viewers, they have riveting(, turning traditional matchmaking on its head and celebrating instant celebrity.
47. Riveting part, should firm do not become loose, rivet round head and periphery should be not had glossily break mark or burr.
48. Placing and riveting the flange, the Breitling symbol and the eight hour - markers requires tremendous manual dexterity.
49. The all - hydraulic riveting machine is important mechanical equipment used in automobile industry now.
50. We are a top manufacturer specialized in rivets and riveting machine for more than 10 years.
51. A new algorithm is presented for position regulating of aerofoil bracket on an automatic drilling and riveting machine.
52. And decreasing the angle can distribution of the strain and prevent riveting cracks in rivet tail.
53. Automatic winding machines, spot welding machine automatic riveting, automatic ultrasonic testing machine, automatic production lines, industrial robots, robot line automatic production line.
54. In this paper the influence of positioning system error on riveting quality of automotive frame assembly is studied by differential method, the functional relation between them are also given.
55. S. auto market, riveting the attention of American and Japanese manufacturers.
56. But, as David Blumenthal and James A. Morone recount in "The Heart of Power, " their riveting history of health-care politics, Johnson recognized the threat and outmaneuvered his opponents.
57. Suitable for plastic and metal between riveting, riveting sticky, thermal forming, hot-melt resection, metal screw preparetions, LCD riveting molding processing.
58. This article designs a set of rivet arrangement system for automatic boring and riveting machine for aeroplane assembly.
59. Can be equipped with a torque detection device to facilitate the detection of spin riveting quality (Ball special purpose machine).
60. The riveting force is generated hydraulically or pneumatically, depending on the model.
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