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Rights offering in a sentence

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Sentence count:15Posted:2025-01-09Updated:2025-01-09
Similar words: rights offloss of rightsusage rightsthe rights and wrongsrightsizingdrawing rightslights-outnight soilMeaning: n. an offering of common stock to existing shareholders who hold subscription rights or pre-emptive rights that entitle them to buy newly issued shares at a discount from the price at which they will be offered to the public later. 
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1. They're reluctant to sell the house yet but the right offer could force their hand.
2. Rights offering is an important financing channel for China's listed companies.
3. The reasons and problems of a rights offering were analysed in this paper. Methods of solution were also proposed.
4. But Huang's participation in the rights offering kept his stake from being diluted.
5. For its planned $1 billion rights offering, Hana is receiving expressions of interest from potential investors until year-end.
6. The thesis establishes the model of determinants of rights offering on the basis of the data from 2002 to 2005 using stepwise regression method, and makes an analysis on the empirical results.
7. The Everbright IPO and CMB rights offering alone call for more than $11 billion in funds.
8. Xiong said Chinalco will 'pay close attention' to the new rights offering and the joint venture, but hasn't reached a decision yet on whether to increase its holdings.
9. Rights offering is very important in public company finance. It's significant to study the listed company rights offering.
10. There is remarkable different in size of issuing between a rights offering and a open equity placement[], or a convertible bond issuing.
11. Along those lines, cable company Charter Communications Inc said on Friday it filed for a prearranged bankruptcy in which its debt restructuring will include a rights offering for certain bondholders.
12. In this study, we re-examine CPA independence in China through investigating the relationship between modified audit opinions and the ROE hurdle rates for listing rights and rights offering.
13. The sixth, the percentage public share has little influence to three indexes of rights offering company.
14. The stock closed at 9.11 euros yesterday, 35 percent more than the rights offering price.
15. The refinancing of listed companies or seasoned equity offerings are comprised of rights offering, additional share issuing, convertible bonds and equity warrant bond which was introduced in 2006.
More similar words: rights offloss of rightsusage rightsthe rights and wrongsrightsizingdrawing rightslights-outnight soillightsomeofferinglight sourcecofferingbufferingsufferingrightsspecial drawing rightspeace offeringoffering priceby rightslong-sufferingpublic offeringair rightsin its own rightright shiftcopy rightsbright siderights issuehuman rightscivil rightsset to rights
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