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Coffering in a sentence

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Sentence count:23Posted:2019-12-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: public offeringinitial public offeringofferingsufferingbufferingoffering pricepeace offeringlong-suffering
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1 The coffer boiled up quickly.
2 The girl is allowed to dunk her biscuits in her coffer.
3 The nation's coffers are empty.
4 There's nothing left in the government's coffers.
5 The money from the exhibition should swell the hospital's coffers a little.
6 The proceeds from the lottery go towards sports and recreation, as well as swelling the coffers of the government.
7 But the speaker is not a wealthy man and could dip into campaign coffers, causing more controversy.
8 Unless you're trying to swell the family coffers all by yourself.
9 A Victorian theme would attract many people and possibly put money back into council coffers.
10 For every £50 you spend on fuel, around £37 goes into Government coffers.
11 It is blindingly obvious that there is not enough money in its coffers to finance the public spending programme.
12 During wartime a money payment was made from the sultan's coffers to supplement the spoils of war.
13 Later, the mayor will reimburse the agency from his coffers, they were assured by redevelopment agency fiscal officer Steve Agostini.
14 No money ever left the federal coffers without carrying a baggage of conditions, guidelines, and restrictions.
15 The profit, of course, goes not back to the pension fund but instead into the company's coffers.
16 Rivers of money rushed into the coffers of the Dukakis camp.
17 And they each paid a fee which put £10 million into the Moonie coffers.
18 A new trust has been formed with more than £100,000 in its coffers to spend on visual arts,[] it was announced yesterday.
19 Political action committees, which are more active in congressional races, represented only 2 percent of the presidential campaign coffers.
20 Every gallon of diesel bought at a U.K. service station ensures that another £1.03 in duty flows into the Treasury's coffers.
21 They do not suffer coffering coughing, increased body temp er e a ture or other signs of active TB.
22 They do not suffer coffering coughing, increased body temperature or other signs of active TB.
23 In the formal dining room (originally the home's living room), they installed a light fixture and trestle table and added wainscotting and coffering on the ceiling and walls.
More similar words: public offeringinitial public offeringofferingsufferingbufferingoffering pricepeace offeringlong-sufferingcofferscoffercofferdamwaferingpilferinginterferingcoffee grinderoffer perioddecaffeinated coffeeluciferinsolferinoeffervescingdifferentiatingcoffeetiming differencelingeringlymalingeringfingeringingatheringlingeringcoffeinereferring
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