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Restaurateur in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2017-06-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: restaurantlitterateurrestateamateurwelfare stateamateurishinterest rateprovocateurMeaning: ['restərə'tɜr /'restrə'tɜː]  n. the proprietor of a restaurant. 
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(1) You aren't simply at the mercy of restaurateurs.
(2) The would-be restaurateur became, by accident, an importer.
(3) Leading hoteliers, publicans and restaurateurs will converge at the Kings Hall, Balmoral, to choose new wines for their customers.
(4) Restaurateurs have already been warned they could face hefty fines if they fail to join the Darlington Council register before April 3.
(5) Also patron of cooks, cutlers, glaziers, restaurateurs, and Sri Lanka.
(6) The restaurateur keeps a journal every night.
(7) "They smell like garlic," said restaurateur Xu, voicing a popular refrain. "We Shanghai people keep ourselves and our homes very clean. We are more refined. We drink coffee. They only drink tea.
(8) A few years ago I told a restaurateur just starting out that he should cut corners on things his customers wouldn't notice.
(9) According to the restaurateur, the waste could be collected and recycled by sanitation workers, but an official with the Wuhan urban management bureau told China Dail.
(10) In his new career as a restaurateur he has blossomed and harvested many awards.
(11) A Hollywood restaurateur named Dan Tana is also on board with the project.
(12) An Australian restaurateur fed up with the waste left by diners has ordered her customers to eat everything on their plates for the sake of the earth or pay a penalty fee.
(13) The recipes, I was happy to notice[], rapidly found favour with restaurateurs.
(14) The war-time legacy of the five-shilling legal maximum on restaurant bills was an open cheque for profiteers to pose as restaurateurs.
(15) I have a foot in both camps, as a restaurateur(, and as a board member.
(16) His office was in his home, and day or night restaurateurs or grocers might call to report a refrigeration emergency.
(17) The other Albert was Albert Finney, who stars as a successful restaurateur attempting a reconciliation with his playwright brother.
(18) Also patron of cooks, cutlers, glaziers, the poor, and restaurateurs.
(19) As much as their obsession with novelty, Russians' powerful nostalgia has been part of Mr Novikov's rise to become his country's bt-known restaurateur.
(20) After six years on the stage, she moved to the US with her Japanese restaurateur husband.
(21) To unmask the shopping strip's midnight-to-dawn caller, a North Ryde restaurateur who had borne the brunt of the deposits took the matter into his own hands.
(22) Ms. Luo said she struggled in 20 different occupations — secretary, saleswoman, restaurateur and translator among them — before deciding to take a break. She traveled to Paris in 2006 for vacation.
More similar words: restaurantlitterateurrestateamateurwelfare stateamateurishinterest rateprovocateurextraterrestrialnominal interest ratecentaurminotaurrestartforestallsaturateaccurateindurateobduratesaturatedinaugurateinaccurateaccuratelyestateacculturatecommensurateunsaturatedhauteurgestatefire stationrest assured
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