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Reproductive system in a sentence

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Sentence count:77Posted:2017-04-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: reproductivereproductionproductivedigestive systemsexual reproductionasexual reproductionproductivityreproduceMeaning: n. organs and tissues involved in the production and maturation of gametes and in their union and subsequent development as offspring. 
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(1) His reproductive system is still not there.
(2) Hormonally active synthetic chemicals can damage the reproductive system, alter the nervous system and brain, and impair the immune system.
(3) Reproductive system After the menopause, women are no longer able to bear children, as their ovaries stop releasing eggs.
(4) Without our reproductive system, there would be no life, so they can hardly be unimportant.
(5) A strong tonic for the male reproductive system.
(6) The prostate is part of the male reproductive system.
(7) The male reproductive system makes, stores and moves sperm.
(8) The results show that the reproductive system is composed of genital organ, copulatory pouch and ovarian groove.
(9) Objective : To study the reproductive system toxicity of Kunmingshanhaitang ( KMSHT ) capsule.
(10) Conclusion Cadmium chloride affected physiological function of male reproductive system(, lowered genitality.
(11) The male reproductive system is distinguished by a pair of testes, a pair of vas deferens, a pair of male accessory glands, one ejaculatory duct and copulatory organ.
(12) A gut is absent, and the reproductive system is repeated in each proglottid.
(13) Dioxins are known to cause cancer and to affect the immune and reproductive system of animals.
(14) The cancer causes more deaths than any other cancer of the female reproductive system, but it is difficult to find.
(15) But there is some concern that melatonin may affect the female reproductive system.
(16) Endometrial carcinoma is one of the most common three malignancies of female's reproductive system.
(17) The Portal of Evolution sculpture at Burning Man was supposed to represent a 26-feet-tall version of the female reproductive system, with fallopian tubes and ovaries.
(18) It alters immune system responses and suppresses the digestive system, the reproductive system and growth processes.
(19) Uterine fibroids are the most common tumor in the female reproductive system.
(20) Objective : To evaluate the effect of mustard gas on reproductive system in rats.
(21) The strobila of cestodes consists of a chain of segments (proglottids) budded off from the neck region. A gut is absent(Sentence dictionary), and the reproductive system is repeated in each proglottid.
(22) Conclusion Exposure of fenvalerate in gestation has some influence on the reproductive system of male offspring rats, and can significantly affect the activities of enzymes in testis.
(23) The latest study showed that NO and NOS are widely distributed in male reproductive system. NOS is mainly distributed in Leydig′s cells and sertoli′s cells and a minor portion in spermatogenous cells.
(24) An Indian farmer and father of two had a hysterectomy after doctors discovered a "full female reproductive system" in his lower abdomen.
(25) Including: Locomotor system, alimentary system, respiratory system, urinary system, reproductive system, circulatory system, sense organs, nervous system and endocrine system.
(26) Obstetrics and gynecology are combined in the specialty that deals with pregnancy and birth and diseases of the female reproductive system.
(27) Portal of Evolution is a sculpture based on the female reproductive system.
(28) The changes may seem small, but the study authors suspect they are one manifestation of the effects of environmental pollutants on the male reproductive system .
(29) Testes ( or testicles ): Male reproductive organs ( see reproductive system ).
(30) Ovary: In zoology , the female reproductive organ ( see reproductive system ) that produces eggs and sex hormones.
More similar words: reproductivereproductionproductivedigestive systemsexual reproductionasexual reproductionproductivityreproduceproductionfederal reserve systemmass productionproduction costfactors of productionwage systemproductimmune systemendocrine systemintroductionriver systemdeductiveseductiveinductivegross domestic productproduct differentiationhouse of representativessystemproduceintroductoryproducerproduced
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