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Relational in a sentence

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Sentence count:300Posted:2017-08-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: international relationsrelationrelationscorrelationdirectional relayin relation torelationshipforeign relationsMeaning: [rɪ'leɪʃənl]  adj. having a relation or being related. 
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211. The germinative force was relational with seed color, seed weight and growth habit of kidney beans.
212. The intelligent fixing test paper is a process of the problem of constraint satisfaction based on a typical relational database.
213. The household register management reform is a relational everyone's big matter.
214. Query languages differ in the level of detail they require of the user, with systems based on the relational data model generally requiring less detail than languages based on other models.
215. The VEP with optimal stimuli and threshold stimuli were recorded, then the relational universal test chart was analyzed statistically.
216. It goes further by mentioning that it could be any type of database: relational (object-relational) or non-relational.
217. While a fuzzy system is described by a fuzzy relational matrix corresponding to the fuzzy input, the fuzzy output and the fuzzy controller.
218. It analyses relational composite of hardware and software. The scheme of hardware and software is put forward.
219. The new algorithm is also applicable to general relational database.
220. In a relational database system, the columns of a
221. NHMDB is a multimedia database system based on the extended relational data model and has the characteristics of object-oriented databases.
222. This paper studies the keyword search for XML in relational databases, presents two inverted list indexes: extended inverted index based on containment relationship and inverted index based on schema.
223. Dr. E . F . Codd , an IBM researcher, first developed the relational data model in 1970.
224. These structures are then implemented in a relational database management system.
225. Although measure of fractal dimension of relational network is an unresolved question, we still attempt to suggest a way of measure.
226. Relational databases scale well, but usually only when that scaling happens on single server node.
227. Aiming at how the DBMS query optimizer to generate the smallest cost query plan, optimization rules of the relational algebra expression are given.
228. An expression for the stress life relational curve( S N curve) of metal is proposed which bears the advantage of simple form and easy access to parameter solution.
229. ... are usually used. They are: Hierarchical Model, Network Model, Relational Model.
230. The relational expression of natural convective heat transfer of isothermal vertical strip was found.
231. Management information system of die holder based on relational database management system (RDBMS) is developed in the developing platform of VFP 5.
232. Because change occurs via relational knowledge that is implicit, such interpretation and exploration for explicit or semantic knowledge is facilitating, but not always necessary for change to occur.
233. Relational would also nominate two candidates for election to the board.
234. Relational Databases have recently been getting a bad name because they cannot scale well to support massive web services.
235. Based on method COMAP of complex matching for relational schemas, presented a bottom-up method of complex matching for XML tags.
236. The element and text contents are inserted into the correct position, we store the tree structure information to the relational database by the data structure of binary chained list.
237. IBM Informix Dynamic Server is a complete and versatile relational database management system with excellent performance, high scalability, and low administration cost.
238. The data redundant in relational database is caused by the reduplication of the table, attribute , record, or attribute value .
239. Object Relational Mapping was created to abstract details of the underlying database from the Java object model.
240. With the current environment of data sensitivity, there is a need to mask data not only in the traditional relational databases, but also in flat files that could be part of a testing scenario.
More similar words: international relationsrelationrelationscorrelationdirectional relayin relation torelationshipforeign relationspublic relationsperfect correlationinterrelationshiptranslationalfamily relationshipnationalisationnationalizationrationalisationrationalizationtransnational corporationmultinational corporationelationrelaxationrevelationrationalnationalproportional representationnationallyrationallyrationaleoperationaleducational
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