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Relational in a sentence

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Sentence count:300Posted:2017-08-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: international relationsrelationrelationscorrelationdirectional relayin relation torelationshipforeign relationsMeaning: [rɪ'leɪʃənl]  adj. having a relation or being related. 
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91. In real-world applications, it can easily take several dozen relational tables to represent all one-to-many relationships in the original XML structure.
92. It also requires a query language to provide constructors that are capable of creating complex nested structures on the fly -- a facility that is not needed in a relational language.
93. IBM DB2 is a relational database management system that runs on a wide range of devices and operating systems.
94. In a relational system, you would use one table to store an order and a second foreign-keyed table to store order items.
95. One of the beauties of a schemaless datastore is that I don't have to know everything up front; that is, I can accommodate change much more easily than I could with a relational database schema.
96. Part 3 is particularly important because, when combined with this article, it illustrates round-trip data access between relational databases and XML.
97. A next - generation object - relational database management system designed for enterprise use.
98. In our sample table, values in the COMMENT column (a relational column) can be used to isolate the type of trade recorded in the DOCUMENT column (an XML column).
99. Based on the relational knowledge model, the knowledge base management system GKBMS is introduced in this paper. GKBMS combines predicate calculus with relational calculus.
100. Tools such as Hibernate and TopLink have made it much easier to map an object model into a relational database
101. A fuzzy relational data model with fuzzy attributes, which could be used for truly modeling various fuzzy objects in the real world, is presented in the paper.
102. The only way to eliminate the administrative overhead and performance cost of giving each user a connection to the database is to move the relational database work off the computer.
103. The Join algorithms of massive relations in relational databases based on tertiary storage are studied in this paper.
104. LEAP is an RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) implementing the relational Algebra - a core part of relational database theory.
105. Our approach is based on an extended relational calculus, and reduces the consistency problem to a satisfiability problem of relational formulae.
106. The constructed model is a relational network which has the neurological plausibility and the operational plausibility.
107. In this article, we've discussed the basics of mapping a relational data model to a Java object model using Castor.
108. Fuzziness is introduced into database systems to process this kind of obscure data, which leads to the emergence of fuzzy relational database.
109. The neo-functionalist theory is the mainly international relational theory which explain and guide the regionalist action.
110. And a brief introduction of fuzzy relational database technology applications.
111. While I could model the notion of employment using a field in the Person type, that's a relational approach and doesn't fit well within the object-design scenario.
112. The importance of order in XML contrasts sharply with the absence of intrinsic order in the relational data model.
113. We'll start with a relational data model and a Java object model, and discuss the basics of mapping between the two.
114. In recent years, we have seen a growing interest in database management systems that differ from the traditional relational model.
115. Then, analyzed the neighboring relational system to have, the development history with emphasis, and establishment neighboring relations system significance.
116. As the name implies, it uses annotations in the XML schema as the mapping language to map information in an XML document to relational tables.
117. The problem of isomorphisms of attributed relational graph is treated by annealing simulation. An annealing isomorphism algorithm ALISOM is presented.
118. According to the formulae derived in this paper, the time sequence dependent relational graph exactly corresponding to the body of a DO-loop can be constructed under some given conditions.
119. While an index on a relational column contains all values from that column, an XML index contains only values of nodes that match both the XML pattern and the data type in the index definition.
120. This paper analyzes the systematic structure of marine accident information and the design method of relational model, then builds a database system for marine accident investigation.
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