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Pulsed in a sentence

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Sentence count:207+2Posted:2017-10-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pulsepulserimpulserepulseimpulse buyradial pulsenerve impulseconvulseMeaning: [pʌls]  adj. produced or transmitted or modulated in short bursts or pulses. 
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61. A non - Gaussian beam excitation scheme was introduced to a mode mismatched pulsed thermal lens technique.
62. The different excitation sources are pulsed to give intermittment radiation.
63. Finally, the technologic experiment of twin-wire welding was done with the equipment of twin-wire pulsed MAG high speed welding power supply and its multi-phase digital synchronic control system.
64. Fresh claret was processed by high-voltage pulsed electric field with changed electric-field intensity[], the treatment results suggested that some changes in wine chromaticity.
65. Experiment study proved that using the hydraulic resonance to improve strength of pulsed jet is available, and the system have a best air-chamber volume and a best frequency.
66. Effects of pulse amplitude and frequency were studied in the standard sieve plate pulsed column.
67. The improved fire fighting water giant consists of stabilizer, self - excited oscillation pulsed jet nozzle and connections.
68. A pulsed micro laser with a new working crystal NAB has been developed.
69. Simultaneous extraction of protein and polysaccharide from Porphyra yezoensis by pulsed ultrasound was studied.
70. Objective To observe the non-ablative treatment effect on facial photoaging with combined intense pulsed light (IPL) and HGM laser.
71. A number of models that predict the blowoff impulse generated in solid target by pulsed X ray radiation are analysed and compared.
72. The divider consists of a pulsed resistor voltage divider and a high voltage mica capacitor.
73. The qualitative analysis is carried out on the behavior of the partial penetrated weld pool with welding current changing from pulsed peak value to base value during pulsed TIG welding.
74. Objective To observe the effects of long - pulsed Alexandrite laser on hair removal.
75. Several pulsed parts made up a negative bias pulsed power, whose frequency and duty cycle is regulated directly at the side of high voltage.
76. The influence of dynamic thermal effect induced by optical pumping of YAG crystal rod in a pulsed solid laser on the wave front of the output laser beam is studied in this paper.
77. Pulsed power conditioning system for a high power laser amplifier which is used to drive ICF facility is described.
78. Based on the self-pulsing theory in fiber laser and the spatial-coupling model in solid state laser(Sentence dictionary), the physical mechanism of pulsed laser generation is investigated and explained.
79. Principle of coherent detection of wide spectrum and pulsed laser wavelength is introduced based on a reflection gate and a high speed linear detector.
80. The structure and the experimental results of a remote controlled pulsed laser Doppler velocimeter is described.
81. The pulsed magnetic field can improve the status of hemorheology property of blood.
82. KEYWORDS: GIMS, ion source, anode layer, sputtering, TiN, ion plating, medium frequency, pulsed DC.
83. The plasma source ion implantation device consists of pulsed negative high voltage power, hot cathode arc discharge system, vacuum chamber and target stage, vacuum system and monitor system.
84. Continuously tunable UV radiation is obtained by collinear doubling and non-collinear mixing from visible radiation of pulsed dye laser.
85. With a magnetic drive rotary valve instead of the conventional mechanical rotary valve, and two pulsed pots instead of four in the traditional pulser, the new one is better sealed and simpler.
86. A pulsed total dose effect in-circuit test system based on PCI card virtual instrument was developed. Working principle and technical specifications were introduced in detail.
87. The intensity of a pulsed beam of charged particles in the Cooling Storage Ring Project of Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL-CSR) will be measured with a toroidal current transformer.
88. AC pulsed MIG welding is formed by adding a pulse rework current and a negative current.
89. A new type of neutron detector which can avoid counting loss and carry out real-time measurement for pulsed neutron field will be introduced in the paper.
90. In pulsed laser welding, the selected parameters have bind effects mutually.
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