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Poached in a sentence

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Sentence count:67+2Posted:2016-12-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: poachcoachapproachreproachacheschedulequenchedteacherMeaning: [pəʊtʃt]  adj. cooked in hot water. 
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(31) But ironically, each team is sprinkled with players poached from the other.
(32) In the morning she had poached a short and cheeky interview with the woman just elected to head the Conservative Party.
(33) Tea: Poached fish in cheese sauce, peas, baked potato, piece of fresh fruit.
(34) Perhaps she had been foolish to remain here, eating a poached egg and spinach off a tray.
(35) He doused with petrol and inflammable glue 12 tonnes of illegally poached elephant tusks, worth almost £2m.
(36) Top each half with a poached egg and half the tomato mixture; sprinkle each half with cheese.
(37) He likes a poached egg for breakfast.
(38) The elephants are poached for their tusks.
(39) Shall we give them poached salmon as a starter?
(40) I'll have a poached egg for breakfast this morning.
(41) Poached River Shrimp, Poached Crab Claw, Sea Scallop and Clam.
(42) At just above the scalding temperature, fish and eggs may be poached.
(43) At Sinatra, try the black lentil salad, couscous with poached veggies, pineapple carpaccio with pistachios and coconut ice cream.
(44) Experts put the population of wild Amur tigers at 450, with about 30 poached each year.
(45) Toasted English muffin topped with ham and a poached egg and hollandaise sauce.
(46) Ginger Juice Clit Fry Cowpea, Poached Egg White Steam Old Cunt Shell!
(47) Despite his inexperience as a hunter, McCandless poached some small game such as porcupines and birds.
(48) I would like to take a cup of tea and milk, poached eggs, and one croissant and banana muffi.
(49) Mark speaks up and tells Tanya all about his rare 1948 Poached Egg stamp and how he found it when his Pontiac broke down in Cortlandville in upper New York State.
(50) United actually poached all of their Treble winning side from city.
(51) He asked the Waldorf Astoria hotel staff to whip him up his own creation, now known as Eggs Benedict: half an English muffin, topped with bacon or ham, poached eggs, and rich Hollandaise sauce.
(52) Look for items on the menu that are baked, grilled, dry sauteed, broiled, poached, or steamed.
(53) When you have more time, why not have a poached egg and mushrooms on toast?
(54) The main course was to be a whole poached salmon.
(55) So, that's grapefruit juice, sausage, two eggs - poached toast, milk and coffee.
(56) Poached pears in curried cream. It was pleasantly disorienting, like being momentarily lost in a foreign city and regaining one's bearings at the sight of a familiar landmark.
(57) So your poached egg preference sets you apart from the hardboiled fans at home.
(58) We don't want a baby field green salad with poached pear vinaigrette, okay?
(59) Caramelized Poached Apple, Vanilla Bean Ice Cream, Candied Macadamia Nut.
(60) In contrast, a light Soave washes down a subtly flavored poached fish because they are equals in delicacy.
More similar words: poachcoachapproachreproachacheschedulequenchedteachercrunchedon scheduletreacherywretchednessbehind scheduleahead of scheduleproactiveshedretroactivelytake into accountabashedwashed outpolishedeachburnishedunabashedin the darkteachreachpeachbeachastonished
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