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Parse in a sentence

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Sentence count:117Posted:2017-05-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sparsesparselycoarsehearsehoarsearsenicarsenalhoarselyMeaning: [pɑrz/pɑː-]  v. analyze syntactically by assigning a constituent structure to (a sentence). 
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31, Still, they admit it's tough to parse fully why better-looking professors rate higher.
32, (In Listing 6 I did my best impersonation of a top-secret government agent by crossing out my user ID with XXXXXXXXXXXX.) Let's parse this request a little more.
33, Given the parse tree, you apply the algorithm in Listing 3 to compute the transition function.
34, This scenario is a reverse process of publishing XML data -- XML data comes in, you parse it into tabular records, then insert the records into database tables.
35, This is why the new parsing process makes scope determinations after the parse -- it's only interested in the scopes of IASTNames.
36, In this case, the mediation would parse the incoming message and perform a lookup of the right service provider based on differentiating content of the message.
37, I'll also look briefly at the issue of operator precedence and generalize the treewalking code into a full-fledged recursive routine that's able to handle arbitrarily complex parse trees.
38, Your transform will take one of the two files as its primary input, and will use the content tag to read, parse, and load into memory the second file.
39, This script extends the simple event loop with switches to use Parse::RecDescent as the parsing engine.
40, What remains is to take the information stored during the parse phase of the main document and use that to drive a separate parse phase to process each language-specific subdocument.
41, Your application could do more interesting things with the parse tree.
42, For safety's sake,[] don't assume you'll be able to parse content before the first well-formedness error.
43, How to parse polls, play the odds, and embrace uncertainty.
44, Usually, using SimpleParse means generating a parse tree in one function call, then traversing this tree in separate code.
45, The parser is the software that takes those meaningful words and builds a parse tree out of them by recognizing their type and purpose.
46, A virtual parse function delegates the parsing to the encapsulated object.
47, By default, the actions in a function body are only performed on a final parse.
48, Working with a parse tree representation also makes debugging easy and speeds development time.
49, First, you parse the ID from the XML structure returned from PHP, then you use a switch statement to direct the error to the appropriate message or associated code.
50, An error occurred while trying to parse the logfile: No project name was found.
51, Descriptive approach -- You write a single general-purpose model-driven parser program to parse all formats, with each message format represented by its own model.
52, First of all, the method which combines canonical parse with empirical analysis is adopted in this thesis.
53, With everything you've done so far, however, you still don't have quite enough information to calculate the results of the arithmetic operation represented by this parse tree.
53, Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
54, If there is not an exact match for the service input name in the Classic Registry, use the Name Parser component to parse the input service name and construct a list of constituent words.
55, System can automatically collect configuration data, parse and load into database through configuration data from OMC (Operation Maintenance Center) of various vendors.
56, The method applied to the study is the combination of empirical analysis and canonical parse.
57, Parse error. Current element is not compatible with the next element { 0 }.
58, XML is the opposite -- it contains embedded structural information that enables an XML parser to parse any XML document without using a model.
59, The final result of parsing is the parse tree with the largest probability searched with Breadth-first search(BFS).
60, By analyzing , Some aspects were found include the size of a svg file, the method of access to real-time data , dynamic graphics parse scheme based on DOM.
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