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Out-of-dated in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2018-07-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: out-of-dateout of dateout of dangerextent of damageout of debtout of doorsget out of debttime of day
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1. The information in the tourist guide is already out-of-date.
2. We can't go any farther / further ahead with this out-of-date policy.
3. I was led astray by an out-of-date map.
4. Their manufacturing methods are hopelessly out-of-date.
5. The school's text books are woefully out-of-date.
6. I have a map but I'm afraid it's out-of-date.
7. It's too expensive(, and probably out-of-date at that.
8. He was unaware that he was being fobbed off with out-of-date stock.
9. They accused the West of dumping out-of-date medicines on Third World countries.
10. Too much of this report is taken up with out-of-date figures.
11. This edition's rather out-of-date and only goes up to 1989.
12. But that gibe is now out-of-date.
13. Books may also be withdrawn if their content becomes out-of-date even though they are still being used.
14. His self-reproaches had been in pickle for a year,[sentence dictionary] and the notion that they might be out-of-date escaped him.
15. The Advertisers Annual lists an agency's accounts but these can go quickly out-of-date so check first.
16. It needed too much spent on repairs, and the stock was old-fashioned and out-of-date.
17. No further supplies of the out-of-date letterheads will be issued.
18. An immense pile of out-of-date articles will possibly obscure the purpose in view and deter the student from learning.
19. The Editor says One of the commonest letters of complaint or query that we receive covers the topic of out-of-date test kits.
20. This out-of-date remedy may be more dangerous than the plant poison.
21. Hugo Wolf overthrew the out-of-dated ideas and claimed that "language is first", "objective lyricism" and" truth", displayed his" gesamtkunstwerk" by dramatic sentiment.
22. Only the quality intensified in creative ways, conveying the classic theme of harmony, will spring Festival never be out-of-dated.
More similar words: out-of-dateout of dateout of dangerextent of damageout of debtout of doorsget out of debttime of daydatedbreak of daystar of davidnumber of dayssedatedupdatedundatedoutdatedantedateinundatedvalidatedsword of damoclesautomateddilapidatedintimidatedinvalidatedconsolidatedlike a fish out of waterunconsolidatedautomated tellerautomated teller machinecost of debt
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