Similar words: methylated, methylated spirit, ethyl alcohol, methyl, methyl group, methylphenidate, methylcellulose, decarboxylation.
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1, Methylation of chromatin causes it to condense.
2, AIM To investigate the relation between methylation of plasma thrombomodulin ( TM ) gene promoter and coronary heart disease ( CHD ).
3, BACKGROUND: Gene promoter methylation is an epigenetic event leading to gene silencing.
4, In the histone code the methylation target is known as H 3 K 9, where K stands for lysine.
5, In malignant cell the pattern of DNA methylation, as well as the set of DNA methyltransferase activities, differs from that in normal cell.
6, Recent studies on DNA methylation and its regulatory enzymes, seem hot to researches of epigenetics.
7, Some methods could also determine the pattern of methylation or the degree of pectins acetylation.
8, In this paper, the methylation of biphenyl to 4-methylbiphenyl (4-MBP) over the zeolite catalysts was studied.
9, Analysis of the resulting cytosine methylation patterns with the highest resolution is achieved after sodium bisulfite treatment, deaminating nonmethylated cytosines to uracil.
10, Furthermore, CpG methylation within the NF 2 promoter region was thoroughly analyzed.
11, In the end, the effects of methylation on the properties of uracil and adenine-uracil base pair have been investigated.
12, This "methylation" of GR appears to make the individual more tuned in or sensitised to stress, meaning that they will react to it quicker both mentally and hormonally.
13, Frequencies of decrease in DNA methylation sites among cultivars were in this order: V27, V14, and R09, V27 showing more demethylation sites.
14, In this article, the methylation and tumor, methylation and hematologic diseases, methylation detection methods,[] demethylation therapy in leukemia and so on are reviewed.
15, The team showed that CDK1 short-circuits EZH2-mediated methylation by attaching a different chemical group consisting of one phosphate and three oxygen atoms to EZH2, a process called phosphorylation.
16, Much of the review discusses studies of mercury methylation and the opposite process demethylation .
17, The team looked at methylation, in which a methyl group is placed onto cytosine in DNA sequences.
18, The most widely known methylation inhibitors are cytidine analogues. However, due to their substantial cytotoxicity, they are limited in their application.
19, Methylation analysis showed there were different levels of methylation in Zizania latifolia, but high level of methylation in rice.
20, Lanes 1, 3 and 5 demonstrate, that there is no influence of the nucleotide sequence on protein methylation.
21, This indicates that the transcriptional activity of the transgenic mice is not reflected in the methylation state of the transgenes.
22, SET domain proteins contain conserved SET domains, which intensively involved in histone methylation.
23, The invention provides a catalyst used for preparing para-xylene and low-carbon olefin movable bed by selective methylation of toluene with methanol.
24, Using MSP, PCR-SSCP and denaturing PAGE gel electrophoresis, we interpret the mutation, deletion and methylation of RUNX3 gene in the level of DNA in gastric carcinoma.
25, Z associates with functional regulatory elements, and CTCF marks boundaries of histone methylation domains.
26, The methods about indirect Chloromethylation of Polystyrene are discussed, and the conditions and factors affecting the reactions of chloro- methylation also discussed here.
27, If you look in the normal population and ask what fraction of people have [a defect in methylation in the gene encoding insulin-like growth factor 2] it's about 5 percent.
28, S-adenosylmethionine is required as methyl donor for both arsenic metabolism and DNA methylation.
29, This article will review research advances on brain tumor methylation.
30, Phenol was used as a primary material. The diethylstilbestrol was obtained by the Fries Rearrangement, methylation, bimolecular reduction, elimination of 1, 2-diol and demethylation.
More similar words: methylated, methylated spirit, ethyl alcohol, methyl, methyl group, methylphenidate, methylcellulose, decarboxylation, oxidative phosphorylation, phosphorylation, polyethylene terephthalate, thylacine, thylakoid, combination method, dephosphorylation, identification method, ethylene, international relations, national labor relations board, polyethylene, fractional distillation, gravitational attraction, amethyst, gelatinization, volatilization, substitution method, conventional method, elation, population explosion, negative correlation.