Similar words: polyethylene, amethyst, bathymetry, meth, method, methane, something, Promethean. Meaning: ['meθɪl]
n. the univalent radical CH3- derived from methane.
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1 And so, too, do carbon tetrachloride and methyl chloroform.
2 The main line is the methyl methacrylate that goes into paints, surface coating resins and, above all, plastics.
3 Unlike caffeine, these molecules have only two methyl groups attached to their xanthine skeleton.
4 Methyl tertiary butyl ether could work as substitute for lead but it is expensive.
5 A methyl group is a carbon with three hydrogen atoms attached.
6 ACR is a copolymer of methyl methacrylate with acrylate.
7 Organic cyanide, like methyl cyanide, propylene nitrile, Ding Jing and so on.
8 Methods: acid react with methyl alcohol and alcohol to synthesize methyl ester and ethyl ester compounds.
9 Finally, the solubility of methyl chloride in solvent naphtha was mensurated to accord to industrial application.
10 From the reaction of 2,3 dihydro 2 methyl 4 phenyl 1,5 benzothiazepines with diazozcetic ester an unexpected ring open product of the intramolecular rearrangement was obtained.
11 The radiation effect on poly (methyl methacrylate) with different tacticities was studied. It was proposed that chain scission process was in a kinetic equilibrium between scission and recombination.
12 Methanol. Methyl alcohol Carbinol. Wood alcohol. Wood spirit . Methyl hydroxide.
13 Two synthesis methods of N methyl diethanolamine and it's application in desulfuration of gas introduced.
14 Convenient and effective dyes for introducing into water flows include potassium permanganate, gentian violet, and methyl blue.
15 The mercury is often discharged into streams,( where it accumulates in the form of methyl mercury.
16 Other reactive trace gases such as nitrous oxide and methyl iodide also remain at elevated and aberrant levels.
17 They differ only in the position of one of the methyl groups.
18 Many of the pills and capsules which are sold to slimmers as appetite suppressants consist largely of methyl cellulose.
19 As the flooded forests decompose, insoluble mercury in the soil and vegetation turns into soluble methyl mercury.
20 If that rate of increase continues it is estimated that methyl bromide could account for one-sixth of ozone loss by 2000.
21 Wilson has urged legislators to put off a scheduled March ban of the pesticide methyl bromide.
22 Study on the synthesis of 2 - diethylamino - 6 - methyl - 4 - hydroxy pyrimidine.
23 The synthetic processes of phthalic anhydride diglycol ester using sulfuric acid and methyl benzene sulfonic acid as catalysts, respectively, were investigated.
24 Using AlCl 3 as catalyst, N - cyanoethyl - p - methyl aniline was synthesized from p - methyl aniline and acrylonitrile.
25 Thymine: Organic compound of the pyrimidine family, often called a Base, consisting of a ring containing Both nitrogen and carbon atoms, and a methyl group.
26 The acid catalytic process is another way to produce bio-diesel, which has the advantage of fast reaction rate and high conversion ratio for the esterification of methyl group in free fatty acid.
27 The crystallinity of polyethylene decreased with increase of content of short branched chain methyl.
28 The invention also provides a solvent for the production process of knitted impregnated PU gloves, which is prepared from polyurethane resin and methyl l pyrrolidone according to a certain proportion.
29 Despite the ban, we've still found a way to make muscle magic with the ONLY real PROHORMONE still available today – Methyl 1-D.
30 Diisopropyl succinate was synthesized from succinic acid and isopropanol with p - methyl benzenesulfonic acid as catalyst.
More similar words: polyethylene, amethyst, bathymetry, meth, method, methane, something, Promethean, methodist, methodism, methodical, come through, methodology, prime the pump, methodically, something of, rhythm method, something like, something else, quite something, bring home the bacon, scientific method, statistical method, have something to do with, shyly, phylum, phylloxera, chlorophyll, anaphylaxis, prophylaxis.