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Larger in a sentence

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Sentence count:260+24Posted:2017-05-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: largeenlargeat largelargelylargestlargesseby and largedischargerMeaning: [lɑrdʒ /lɑː-]  adj. large or big relative to something else. 
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121. It's an offshoot of a much larger company based in Sydney.
122. Children tend to have relatively larger heads than adults in proportion to the rest of their body.
123. The book helps to explain the larger picture in the Middle East.
124. We were pitching against a much larger company for the contract.
125. All things being equal, a small car will cost less than a larger one.
125. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
126. We should move to a larger house if we had the money.
127. Drugs are pouring across in larger amounts.
128. But major eruptions involve much larger amounts of energy.
129. He wants a larger allocation in any case.
130. Is Wellington larger than Auckland?
131. The larger bottle contains approximately 25 applications.
132. Larger exporters will probably need more specialised advice.
133. National associations also tend to sponsor larger schemes in the more important settlements rather than in areas of isolated housing need.
134. Bobolini take only six minutes to bake and are available in larger branches at £1.45 for a box of 6.
135. The mood on the street is positive, and the larger property owners appear to recognize the potential benefits.
136. The main item on the agenda will be the possible acquisition of larger premises for our services.
137. But, the base had much less utility than the larger base built by the Marines at Camp Pendleton.
138. When there is a severe food shortage, the first to suffer are the larger animals.
139. At the northern end of the larger bay lie the town of Kalloni and its nearby solar saltworks.
140. We can afford to take both a larger and longer view.
141. Procedure within the financial accounts Many larger companies adopt the procedure of raising a debit note for any errors on invoices.
142. At some of the larger hotels the amount was said to approach six thousand.
143. Police were put on alert in case larger groups of demonstrators joined in.
144. It's only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential. Barack Obama 
145. Each symbol was placed in front of larger crosses bearing the name and crest of the unit or group.
146. Place baking dish in a larger baking pan, set pan on oven rack.
147. It is found mainly in timbers less than fifty years old and is a much larger insect than the furniture beetle.
148. But the high cost of workflow systems limits their appeal to the larger organisation.
149. Pour hottest tap water into the larger baking pan to a depth of 1 inch.
150. For larger tours, bands need a tour accountant to travel with them and record all transactions as they are made.
More similar words: largeenlargeat largelargelylargestlargesseby and largedischargersuperchargerenlargementon a large scalelarge intestinea large number ofmolecular geneticsbargetargetchargebarge inin chargechargedrechargein charge ofdischargeforgeroverchargetake chargeforgerymergerburgerextra charge
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