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Lance in a sentence

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Sentence count:124+1Posted:2017-03-27Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cutimpaleknifeperforatepiercepuncturestabSimilar words: glancebalancebalancedparlanceat a glancebalance offreelanceon balanceMeaning: [læns /lɑːns]  n. 1. a long pointed rod used as a weapon 2. an implement with a shaft and barbed point used for catching fish 3. a surgical knife with a pointed double-edged blade; used for punctures and small incisions. v. 1. move quickly, as if by cutting one's way 2. pierce with a lance, as in a knights' fight 3. open by piercing with a lancet. 
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61) The fishermen say will give up this quarter, sand lance caught fish.
62) Scott Jones, 43, a New York free lance photographer, said he was aware of the risk of becoming upside down on a car loan when he went shopping for a new vehicle last spring.
63) When a knight fought, he usually carried a shield, a lance, a long sword, a battle-axe and a knife.
64) That hopeless example had fallen under the lance of the director's criticism.
65) Shining Spear Exarch has a Star Lance giving a S 8 power weapon on the charge.
66) Supremely skilled warriors who excel in armed combat and horse riding,[] they are armed with a lance and mace.
67) In the Orient young bulls are tested for the fight arena in a certain manner. Each is brought to the ring and allowed to attack a picador who pricks them with a lance.
68) Turnus threw his lance, but it recoiled harmless from the shield of Aeneas.
69) It was in fact the spearpoint of the German lance.
70) Dating from the early 14th century, it portrays a sober, warlike figure in a suit of chain mail,( the end of his lance being chewed by a lion.
71) LANCE : Ok, timers are set, 5 seconds and ticking.
72) Lightly armoured in leather and equipped with a hand weapon and a lance.
73) Furthermore, the surveil- lance software running on portable computer is designed to calibrate the voltage-sampling circuit by software, for sake of debugging the device conveniently.
74) Guardsman Bortnill St. Ange is measured for his uniform by master tailor Lance Sergeant Matthew Else (left) at Victoria barracks in Windsor on April 21.
75) Sunshine State News reporter Lance Wright spotted video footage of a US senator looking at the image of topless women on the Senate floor Thursday (see photo).
76) He is a very famous free lance politician in this country.
77) Each is brought toand allowed to attack a picador who pricks them with a lance.
78) Can you use some evenings, weekends and lunch hours to solicit some free lance gigs?
79) We have three people work on a free lance basis.
80) Lance Lewis, a Quilling partner listed on all the cases JPMorgan has moved to have transferred to federal court, did not return messages seeking comment.
81) A submersed Old World Plant ( Hydrilla verticillata ) having whorled , lance - shaped leaves and unisexual, solitary, axillary flowers.
82) Old thing , good appearance, bad assemblage technique, not good as showing the single lance head.
83) The geometric similarity ratio between the model and its prototype (including the side tuyeres and the top lance) was1:4.
84) Even when Siegfried and Roy were around, Lance was the best magician in Vegas.
85) Saints WR Lance Moore sat out because of a groin injury.
86) North American evergreen fern having pinnate leaves and dense clusters of lance - shaped fronds.
87) Can you use some evenings, weekends and lunch hours to solicIt'some free lance gigs?
88) The concentration distributions in the distance about 2.5 times diameter of blowpipe from the exit of the lance tend to be uniform...
89) Crusader : Lance - Damage over time effect will now stack with other allies.
90) Prior to being diagnosed with testicular cancer in 1996, Lance Armstrong was a professional bicyclist.
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