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Knee in a sentence

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Sentence count:230+29Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: articulatio genusgenuhuman kneeknee jointstifleSimilar words: kneelneedneedlepioneernomineeengineerpioneeringengineeringMeaning: [nɪː]  n. 1. hinge joint in the human leg connecting the tibia and fibula with the femur and protected in front by the patella 2. joint between the femur and tibia in a quadruped; corresponds to the human knee 3. the part of a trouser leg that provides the cloth covering for the knee. 
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121, Tom flattened the crumpled paper against his knee.
122, Oh stop blubbing! Your knee can't hurt that much.
123, One of our children fell and bloodied his knee.
124, It hurts when I bend my knee.
125, He began to have trouble with his right knee.
126, A knee injury has put paid to her chances of getting into the final.
127, He is the queer old duck with the knee - length gaiters and walrus mustache.
128, The player is on the comeback trail after a serious knee injury.
129, Stevens will not be racing in the final due to a knee injury.
130, I went down on one knee to plug in the vacuum cleaner.
131, We saw photographs of the doting father with the baby on his knee.
132, The player's career is hanging by a thread after this latest injury to his knee.
133, Rupert Moon is out of today's session with a twisted knee.
134, He felt a twinge in his knee as he jumped over the wall.
135, How did you get a few scrapes on your knee?
136, The children had learnt these stories at their mother's knee.
137, He had to undergo surgery to cure the problem with his knee.
138, My knee has been giving me gyp since I started running.
139, Yates is struggling to recover from a serious knee injury.
140, She would ask for a rise, but would not beg for one on bended knee.
141, He fell awkwardly and went down in agony clutching his right knee.
142, I've known him since he was knee - high to a grasshopper.
143, He displaced a bone in his knee in the crash with another player.
144, He's been out of action for 16 months with a serious knee injury.
145, He must have a major operation on his knee to mend severed ligaments.
146, He went down on bended knee and asked her to marry him.
147, He went down on bended knee to ask her to marry him.
148, Holding a baby in her arms[], she had to knee the door open.
149, We started the session with a few knee bends to warm up.
150, I'll have to sew a patch onto these jeans - they're ripped at the knee.
More similar words: kneelneedneedlepioneernomineeengineerpioneeringengineering
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