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Karen in a sentence

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Sentence count:227+3Posted:2017-11-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: kartkarmakaratkarstkaratekaraokekarachisukarnoMeaning: n. the Tibeto-Burman language spoken in the Thailand and Burmese borderlands. 
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61. I wanted to say a few words about Karen.
62. No, Karen was definitely getting ideas above her station.
63. The night Karen was raped, the body of a 13-year-old girl was found under a Houston overpass.
64. The most amusing thing about the period of my engagement to Karen was the degree of role reversal involved.
65. Later in the day, after their shopping expedition, Jessica and Karen drove down to the docks.
66. He remembered the looks Karen gave him during the game, and her interpretation of what had happened.
67. He belongs to a minority tribe, the Karen, and in a Buddhist land he follows a minority religion.Sentence dictionary
68. Karen put the magazine down and walked into the kitchen.
69. Karen and I went out of our way to place obstacles in our path.
70. Karen was not an average City College student, but nobody would have thought to call her privileged.
71. It was one of Brian's three daughters, Karen, who got to know Kirsty.
72. Karen reported the theft the police and the ranger, and spent hours driving around the roads looking for Tang.
73. Karen taught physical education, so she was in good shape.
74. Beyond the window, a screen whose net curtains looked poised to fall[], Karen heard voices.
75. Karen was all at once extremely pleased that she'd done nothing terrible with Mallachy.
76. She tells Karen that Victor is being excluded from school indefinitely for bullying and for kicking Joan.
77. I felt all weepy and emotional as Karen and I drove home together.
78. As an attractive young heiress Karen might quickly become the target of unscrupulous bounty hunters.
79. Karen took some ice cubes from the freezer and poured the soda.
80. When she asked Karen a question, even though Karen knew the answer her mind immediately went blank.
81. Karen couldn't see much at that distance; even the paintings on the walls looked like blank paper.
82. Left alone for a few minutes on Vik's birthday, Karen makes a play for Steve.
83. He looked at a swing set and saw Karen pushing the children on the swings.
84. Whitlock hurried over to where Karen was huddled against a pillar, her head buried in her arms.
85. Karen was tapped for the Address, stepped forward, and said it perfectly.
86. Karen Hurst helped a 10-year-old a cancer sufferer back to health by donating life-giving marrow last year.
87. I had heard this from innumerable engineering hopefuls at City, but Karen had the education to match her talents.
88. She is very specifically waiting for Oregon to pull ahead so that she can put in Karen.
89. Karen sits in the bleachers watching the team go through the familiar drills.
90. For instance, judo flyweight Karen Briggs grappling on with a dislocated shoulder shoved back in its socket.
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