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Isle in a sentence

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Sentence count:154+2Posted:2016-11-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: isletSimilar words: aislesleephasslesleevesleightislandIslamdyslexiaMeaning: [aɪl]  n. a small island. 
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91. In 2008, a middle-aged businessman named Harmesh Pooni fended off his creditors by locking himself inside No Man's Land Fort, a complex in the Solent straight near the Isle of Wight.
92. Loch Brittle beach, Isle of Skye, UK - With the menace of the Black Cuillin hills behind, it's one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, having lot of scenic beauty.
93. The western shore of the windswept Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides is dominated by jagged, rocky cliffs and roiling Atlantic waves.
94. Ireland is also called the Emerald Isle because of its rich green countryside.
95. The government of the Isle of Man announced plans for a system where consumers who have broadband subscriptions would be forced to pay a small monthly license fee.
96. Probably made in Norway , found on the Isle of Lewis , outer Hebrides, Scotland.
97. Not too far behind its neighbor Massachusetts, Vermont's first established colony dates back to 1666, smack dab on the Isle of La Motte in Lake Champlain.
98. Isle Juan de Nova in the Mozambique Channel between Madagascar and the African mainland.
99. The footbridge leads from the Pavilion of Broad View , visible at left, to South Lake Isle.
100. At Grand Isle State Park, La. , where the oil spill has come ashore, a laughing gull is unable to fly.
101. Anna: and his parents run a small hotel on the Isle of Man.
101. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
102. The Solent, where the event takes place, lies between the Isle of Wight and the south coast of England and provides some of the most challenging sailing conditions in the world.
103. Rust-colored crude oil coats a blue crab's face and claws at Grand Isle State Park, La.
104. If it were windy in Spain but not in Ireland, current would flow in one direction. On a blustery day in the Emerald Isle it would flow in the other.
105. She was brought up in Fair Isle, and wanted to return home.
106. Pass ye over to Tarshish ; howl , ye inhabitants of the isle.
107. Leon Gellert published "The Isle of San: A Phantasy". Contains the first five of Lindsay's etchings to be used as book illustrations.
108. And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the isle, whose sign was Castor and Pollux.
109. Loch Coruisk on the Isle of Skye, in Scotland, which can only be reached by boat or by foot, completed the top 10.
110. From the late 870s Vikings settled permanently in England, and also founded colonies in the Isle of Man, the Northern and Western Isles, the Faroes, and Iceland.
111. The -precocious Mr. Smith took the tourbillon to Daniels's home on the Isle of Man to seek the maestro's -opinion on his work.
112. Drambuie's recipe was given to the MacKinnon family out of gratitude by rebel Prince Charles Edward Stuart (better known as Bonnie Prince Charlie) after they hid him on the Isle of Skye.
113. The famous park also charges a $25 entrance per adult—much more than Isle Royale's $4 admission price.
114. I saw you two just now in the isle pavilion. ".
115. Apothecary: The availability of medicines makes the isle more orderly.
116. Cat Island, a bird rookery and barrier island in Barataria Bay near Grand Isle, La., is surrounded by boom—inflatable[], floating cylinders.
117. She sought the advice of their old friend from Isle of Wight days , John Stebbings.
118. Thomas' roundhouse is located on the fictional Island of Sodor, which the Rev. Awdry dreamed up in the early 1950s, after visiting the Isle of Man to preach at a Sunday school festival.
119. On the surrounding waters of the resort isle, dive, windsurf, water - ski, even sail a catamaran.
120. the Isle of Skye.
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