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Iranian in a sentence

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Sentence count:186+1Posted:2017-07-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: maniamaniacoceaniaarmenianspaniardplutoniandraconianegomaniacMeaning: [ɪ'reɪnjən]  n. 1. a native or inhabitant of Iran 2. the modern Persian language spoken in Iran. adj. of or relating to Iran or its people or language or culture. 
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91) Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Iran will enrich its own uranium to a higher level, rejecting Western demands that it halt the nuclear process.
92) She pointed to a large Iranian presence in the Nicaraguan capital, Managua, as an example of what other countries are doing in Central and South America.
93) Muscovite physicist and engineer association will be in charge of grooming Iranian engineer.
94) The BBC received reports of banned demonstrations in other Iranian cities, including Isfahan, Mashhad and Shiraz.
95) Several European countries halted extraditions of Iranian gays backcountry following the executions.
96) Were you aware these two men were Iranian intelligence officers?
97) An Iranian student protester, sentenced to death for appearing on our cover, has escaped to America.
98) Our company - Fitomic International - is an Iranian origin company established since 1960.
99) Through 20years of practice, Iranian political system has integrated nationality with internationality.
100) The Iranian leader arrived in the afternoon and went to the People's Palace in Damascus, where he was given a red-carpet welcome by President Assad followed by a closed-door meeting.
101) The defining characteristic of the Iranian elite since the death of Ayatollah Khomeini has been its fear of youth.
102) Many inside the Washington Beltway believe that, despite the current flare-up,( the Green Movement is long dead and not worth the risk of further alienating the Iranian regime.
103) Most Iranian want talks on renewing diplomatic ties with the United States.
104) The Iranian Prime Minister invited Kissinger who was accompanying the President to watch a most famous belly dancer Nadina Pasha perform in a night club in the city.
105) The Iranian capital Tehran is at the best of times - one of the most polluted cities on earth.
106) "Last week[], Clinton talked in vague terms about the creation of a " nuclear umbrella " to protect Mid-East Mideast allies against the a possible Iranian nuclear attack.
107) Spokesman Mark Toner said, "We're deeply troubled by press reports of the planned execution by Iranian authorities of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani by stoning.
108) On one Iranian site, hackers proclaimed themselves yesterday as " Honker Union for China "
109) A man found guilty of adultery has been stoned to death in the northern Iranian city of Rasht, judiciary spokesman said Tuesday.
110) He said he awaited a response from the Iranian government with optimism.
111) The two sides noted with concern the latest developments with regard to the Iranian nuclear issue.
112) They speak the Kurdish language, which is a member of the Iranian branch of Indo-European languages.
113) Once before the Iranian revolution, the then President of the United States Jimmy Carter visited Iran.
114) How can a western president, like the French president, ask for nullification of Iranian election results?
115) He was uniquely equipped not only to recover Iranian Sufism for the West, but also to defend the principal Western traditions of esoteric spirituality.
116) In a few hours before the took place in the Iranian capital Tehran, two car bombs exploded, killing two nuclear experts dead and another injured.
117) BBC News with Joe Macintosh. There have been more clashes in the Iranian capital Tehran between police and demonstrators protesting against the disputed presidential elections.
118) And the exercise will also the latest Iranian - made defense system.
119) Wandering Iranian towns in 1978, I remember riot squads in the streets and the Shah's portrait seeming to hang tenuously in market stalls.
120) Protests also were reported in the Iranian cities of Mashhad, Kerman and Isfahan.
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