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Insure in a sentence

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Sentence count:214+12Posted:2017-03-07Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: affirmassurebackcertifycoverdefenddetermineendorseguaranteemake sureprotectsafeguardsheltersponsorvouchwarrantSimilar words: ensurecensureinsurgentinsurancein surpriseinsurgenceinsurmountablein sumMeaning: [ɪn'ʃʊr /-'ʃʊə]  v. 1. be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something 2. make certain of 3. protect by insurance 4. take out insurance for. 
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121 When mounting the fan, insure that the inlet is unobstructed and higher than the winch.
122 The system is zone control and zone receiving. Our company is using the present most advanced digital coding, remote control voice box automatic switch, to insure accurate.
123 Please insure FPA and against War Risk on the contract.
124 Please insure the goods for 10 % above invoice value.
125 Objective To discuss the methods of the dosimetric verification in the intensity modulated radiation therapy(IMRT) and insure correct execution of the IMRT planning in the clinical practice.
126 In order to support the industrialization and insure the basic need of peoples' living, household registration was related with social welfare system, such as the provisionment.
127 If a bottom pour ladle is used,( the system can also supply critical information to insure proper filling time and speed.
128 I bought the car on the never-never so that I'd have enough cash left to tax and insure it.
129 Meanwhile, based on the analysis, we offered our countermeasures and suggestions which could insure the sufficient supply of roughage in Daqing city.
130 They are willing to offer majority ownership up to 100% with the sons willing to remain with the Company indefinitely or for a contracted period to insure a smooth transition and continued growth.
131 Leads material handling, warehouse operations, inventory control activity to insure efficient material movement, storage, and accurate inventory records.
132 In this post, we will look at reasons this is important, as well as a way to insure that it becomes a consistent element of how you run your business.
133 And a suit of technical safeguard systems for data conversion and management are established to insure the regional ecosystem data base can be constructed in order.
134 Please insure the shipment to us with particular average and against War Risk.
135 Re - check the series of activities to insure they are in the proper order.
136 Servo motor, automatic, intelligence, system of soldering flux:Computer work out PCB size and flux time during product different products; Insure flux effect accordantly .
137 Based on range-partition, this paper proposes an efficient asymptotical algorithm of load balance to insure the storage balance in any time, and demonstrates its validity through theory analysis.
138 Is there a documented analytical sampling plan with a closed loop system to insure that all chemical analysis are performed per either the laboratory procedure or manufacturing SOP?
139 Mold closing adopts five points hinge joint structure, mold locking firmly(, insure the quality of product.
140 We should learn from the experience of other countries to make scientific definition of the corporate body of Rural Economic Cooperation Organization and insure their interests.
141 Samsung now plans to work closely with a number of server makers to help insure completion of JEDEC standardization of DDR4 technologies in the second half of this year.
142 Disclaimer : We do our best to insure accuracy on our listings.
143 This may not insure success but it will represent a quantum leap from last summer.
144 To prevent private file from blowing the gaff and to insure materials against losing have become the problem which people put strong attention to solve.
145 Choose to use upscale import the piano box, insure external appearance elegant.
146 No matter how capably we write programs, it is clear from the variety of possible errors that we should check to insure that our modules are coded correctly.
147 PMI coverage is used because insurers are concerned of the possibility of anti-selection, so they only insure groups of people.
148 Assange suggested that someone make contact with Google to insure that YouTube would host the footage.
149 The department really began to expand in 1856 when the company pioneered infantile insurance, allowing parents to insure the lives of children under the age of ten.
150 In order to insure business continuity, the activity of all administrators and users must be auditable, and they must be aware their activities are being audited.
More similar words: ensurecensureinsurgentinsurancein surpriseinsurgenceinsurmountablein suminsultinsulateinsulatedpeninsulacommensuratesurein support ofassuresuretyfor sureinsubordinateinsufficientinsubstantialinsufferablemeasureleisuremeasuredpleasuremake sureexposurecomposuretreasure
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