Synonym: vaccination. Similar words: inoculate, binocular, binoculars, circulation, calculation, speculation, matriculation, gesticulation. Meaning: [ɪ‚nɑkjə'leɪʃn /-nɒkjʊ'l-] n. taking a vaccine as a precaution against contracting a disease.
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31. This paper dealed with the effects of P fertilization and ectomycorrhizal fungal inoculation on productivity and nutrient accumulation of Eucalyptus globulus plantation in Chuxiong, Yunnan.
32. The induced disease appears as the difference of emergence rate by artificial inoculation in glasshouse, indicate the lose of sprouting ability and pre—emergence damping off.
33. The activities of LDH and ALP in serum were measured on the 0,3 th , 6 th , 9 th day post - inoculation ( dpi ).
34. The primary stage of syphilis is evident a couple of weeks after initial infection as a chancre at the site of inoculation.
35. CONCLUSION: The animal model of CPS infection can be established in DEX immunosuppressed young rats by oral inoculation with CSO of human origin.
36. The inoculation showed during shoots elongating to full-development of needles the fungus could penetrate unwounded young shoots, and made them dead.
37. There were no differences among the inoculum of dry or wet alginate beads, peat, vermiculite, liquid on effect of inoculation with Frankia.
38. It is a reform for traditional and unartificial fermentation mode to product pickles by using artificial inoculation, as well as a symbol of the modern fermentation technology.
39. In the natural inoculation process, the treatment effect changed greatly, COD removal rate was 61.86% and an upward trend maenad natural inoculation was success,( lasted 27 days.
40. The new law vaccinia vaccine inoculation, this is a Western project.
41. Travelers are reminded that inoculation against yellow fever is advisable.
42. The inoculation on unwounded bark surface caused no symptom, but new sprouts all became diseased after unwounded inoculation.
43. Focusing on every factor of whitefly mass reproduction, tobacco varieties, growth stage, distributions of whitefly eggs, inoculation time and so on were studied in large automatic greenhouses.
44. Liquid - quenching apparatus was used to investigate the inoculation process in cast iron.
45. A microbial fuel cell of laboratory scale employing Desulfovibrio salexigens in lactate based seawater substrate was proposed. Electricity was continuously harvested after inoculation.
46. Inoculation with VA mycorrhizal fungi significantly increased mycorrhizal infection and enhanced seedling growth.
47. In greenhouse, three days after the inoculation of sclerotium, the Bacillus pumilus 223 liquid culture, Validamycin and their mixture were sprayed on rice seedlings, respectively.
48. Therefore, using toxoid to make preventive inoculation can avoid spread of this infectious disease.
49. The granularity of coal, inoculation amount of bacteria and additional nitrogen have some effect on desulfurization.
50. In order to establish model of liver metastasis and study its metastatic mehanism, we used mouse transplantable carcinoma cells of uterine cervix No. 14(U14) for intrasplenic inoculation.
51. The new technique was described in detail from the aspects of stump selection, field selection, period selection, field cleaning, inoculation, management, harvesting, processing etc.
52. Artificial inoculation techniques for false smut of rice (caused by Ustilaginoidea virens (Cooke) Takahashi) was studied under field condition.
53. When X70 steel formed a macrocell between inoculation SRB or bactericide clay and sand, X70 steel in clay was an anode[], while that in sand was a cathode.
54. The virus may persist in the inoculation site for several days.
55. Results Of 18 newborn rats 88.89 % were infected by BDV inoculation intra - cerebrally.
56. To investigate the pathogenesis of salpingitis in mice by intravaginal inoculation of Chlamydia trachomatis, and observe the histopathologic changes of oviduct after infection.
57. Why can there be fevered undesirable reaction after cheeper hits inoculation?
58. The current study showed that the hand-actuated inoculation of 2N3's strain could effectively increase degradation rate of chlorimuron-ethyl in contaminated soil .
59. Inoculating effects of the inoculant have been evaluated by experiments of section sensitiveness and inoculation fading.
60. Lymphocytic leukemia could be induced by inoculation of cell-free extracts from L783V/3T3 cells into Kunming strain newborn mice.
More similar words: inoculate, binocular, binoculars, circulation, calculation, speculation, matriculation, gesticulation, emulation, adulation, population, regulation, tribulation, stimulation, secularization, capitulation, accumulation, deregulation, expostulation, congratulation, congratulations, international relations, monoculture, jocular, elation, inculcation, exculpation, cultivation, culmination, relation.