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Individually in a sentence

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Sentence count:247+6Posted:2017-04-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: on an individual basisone by oneseparatelyseverallysinglySimilar words: individualindividualismindividualityindividual income taxrugged individualismindividual retirement accountundividedindivisibleMeaning: [‚ɪndɪ'vɪdʒʊələ]  adv. apart from others. 
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211. Candidate will be working with an assessor or individually, completing activities and assessments for each unit.
212. The product green that why sells a businessman of all building materials to weigh his individually is avirulent , but decorate the almost all bridal chamber that come out poisonous?
213. Diodes are individually fed into moving grippers. A continuity test is performed on each one.
214. Local ( Hong Kong ) delivery charges waived, overseas delivery charges to be advised individually.
215. Synchronize directories between your local and remote system without having to transfer files individually.
216. Partial current for the discharge of manganese, hydrogen and zinc individually increased, decreased and kept constant with the addition of sodium selenate.
217. They were all covered with a layer of protein film and dispersing in the protein matrix individually or by a coalescent way.
218. Nanotubes would serve as individually addressable electromechanical switches arrayed across the surface of a microchip, storing hundreds of gigabits of information, maybe even a terabit.
219. Children listened individually with headphones, as one of the free-choice activities available in their preschool classroom.
220. Knitting feeder system, adopting humanized design, make feeder mouth individually tuning and overall adjustment conversion more simple.
221. Based on the situation of flue gas disposal system of boiler 5 in Tianjiaan Power Plant, encrustation reason, scaling principle and the system running parameters are explained individually.
222. In addition to training your front desk to utilize these and other sales techniques,[] it's also important to measure the results both individually and on a department-wide basis.
223. If you used Spring AOP for transaction handling you could place the appropriate method calls declaratively, rather than having to place each one individually.
224. In the past, the only excuse to define directories individually was that your mkdir implementation did not support this option, but this is no longer true on most systems.
225. Individually, his list of awards seems to be increasing by the month.
226. But in times of broad market upturns, a low-cost index fund can perform as well as a mix of individually selected stocks.
227. I already used this technique above in the split() call, which matched the null string (it matches everywhere, so all the characters in the matched string are returned individually).
228. In this article, the longitudinal, the transverse and transverse bulkhead areoptimized individually using the Evolutionary Computation.
229. In addition to training the front desk to utilize these and other sales techniques, it's also important to measure the results both individually and on a department-wide basis.
230. Twenty-seven strains of E. coli, each missing one gene critical for survival, individually mingled with the synthetic-gene library.
231. Compass card is individually driven by a transistorized servo system and pointers driven by synchros.
232. Individually, no member of the Party owns anything, except petty personal belongings.
233. Your beloved pets will be cremated individually in prearranged time and date.
234. Dinner at a neighborhood pub or individually owned restaurant offers another kind of twofer: inexpensive, good food and a chance to mingle with locals.
235. Be sure to individually name and save all the random test cases generated so you can reproduce any failures you detect with this procedure.
236. In the pilot treatment experiment, strabismic subjects were tested for 8 weeks with an individually tailored motion task that was designed to stimulate the amblyopic eye.
237. The paper put forward the develop trend of fashion in 21century: diversified culture mixed, casualness, season undistinguished, electronic, environmental protection, individually custom-tailor.
238. For a watch, you must harmonise the crystal, the movement and the band individually.
239. We learn the importance of giving thanks to the Lord individually and corporately for His loving-kindness and faithfulness as well as His sovereignty over creation and righteous judgments.
240. We would begin with some simple form linking breath and body, or vinyasa, and graduate into more free-form movement, even dance, to individually express our inner longings through our bodies.
More similar words: individualindividualismindividualityindividual income taxrugged individualismindividual retirement accountundividedindivisibleresidualdividedivideddividendgraduallycontinental dividedualgradualvividlividdual economyvividlydivinedivisordivisiondivinitydivisiveendivedivisibleskydivingdivinationrecidivism
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