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Hydroelectric generator in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2024-03-03Updated:2024-03-03
Similar words: thermoelectric generatorelectric generatorhydroelectrichydroelectricityhydroelectric plantelectrical generatorhydroelectric power plantelectric refrigerator
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1, The advantage of hydroelectric generators is that they can be switched on and of easily, according to demand.
2, A human-portable hydroelectric generator that weighs about 30 pounds and generates 500 watts of power may soon be a new option for off-grid power.
3, Using the finite element method software ANSYS, the stator temperature field of the hydroelectric generator is analyzed and calculated, the corresponding temperature field picture is given.
4, The 3-layer database storing structure is used in the new hydroelectric generator vibration and swing state monitoring system.
5, Permanent magnetic device. as a new type patent device, is used to ensure the hydroelectric generator to start its static excitation more reliably and more quickly.
6, Water turbine governor is an important automatic control equipment of hydroelectric generator unit.
7, This paper introduces a frequency measurement system based on an AT89C2051 micro controller for hydroelectric generator unit.
8, A multiple modal synthesis method was adopted to obtain governing equation for a whole hydroelectric generator system including rotary and fixed components.
9, To adjust the parameter of hydraulic turbine governor is an important thing which can keep the hydroelectric generator system run in the safe and the quality and reliability of electricity provided.
10, A program of FORTRAN language is worked out to calculate ventilation system in hydroelectric generator.
11, Eventually,( generator.html) this method is proved by calculating the ventilation of the bulb tubular hydroelectric generator in Baigou power station.
More similar words: thermoelectric generatorelectric generatorhydroelectrichydroelectricityhydroelectric plantelectrical generatorhydroelectric power plantelectric refrigeratorpyroelectricferroelectricac generatordc generatorpyroelectricityferroelectricityphotoelectric detectorelectrical energytriboelectricisoelectricmyoelectricgeoelectricthermoelectricgenerator matrixelectric guitarpiezoelectricphotoelectricelectrostatic acceleratorbioelectricitythermoelectricaldynamoelectricpiezoelectric effect
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