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Horror in a sentence

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Sentence count:263+35Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: repugnancerepulsionrevulsionSimilar words: terrorterroristterrorismhorriblejurorsorryworryharrowMeaning: ['hɑrə(r) ,'hɔ- /hɒ'r-]  n. 1. intense and profound fear 2. something that inspires dislike; something horrible 3. intense aversion. 
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(91) That's when I learned, to my horror, that she was coming here.
(92) I discovered to my horror that my passport was missing.
(93) To his horror, he saw a dead body lying beside the road.
(94) Many people recoil with horror when they see a big spider like this.
(95) She swung her head back in horror at the sight of so much blood.
(96) It is a bizarre tale and the author hits just the right note of horror and disbelief.
(97) We watched in horror as they pulled the bodies from the wreckage.
(98) At the sight of the blood he drew back in horror.
(99) He recoiled in horror at the sight of the corpse.
(100) You should have seen the look of horror on his face.
(101) Few journalists have managed to convey the full horror of the situation.
(102) Then I went to the toilets and, horror of horrors, discovered that my zip had been undone.
(103) We recoil in horror from the thought of subjecting someone to extreme pain.
(104) I have a/this horror of being trapped in a broken lift.
(105) I cringed in horror.
(106) She entered the room,then flung up her hands in horror at the terrible sight that met her eyes.
(107) The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and.
(108) That night they plumbed the depths of treachery and horror, and murdered the king as he slept.
(109) Somehow he tells these stories without a note of horror.
(110) To my horror,( I realised my shirt was wet with blood.
(111) The possibility of meeting him again filled me with horror.
(112) There were gasps of horror from the spectators as he fell off the tightrope.
(113) I watched in complete and utter horror as he pulled out a gun.
(114) His expression changed from bewilderment to horror as he realized what had happened.
(115) I used to regard public speaking as the ultimate horror.
(116) He appeared in the doorway, white as a sheet, eyes wide with horror.
(117) "Jacob's Ladder", the newest film by Adrian Lyne, is a post-Vietnam horror story.
(118) She once played the innocent victim in a horror movie .
(119) Television cameras are carrying the full horror of this war into homes around the world.
(120) Dense smoke surrounded them, adding to the horror of the situation.
More similar words: terrorterroristterrorismhorriblejurorsorryworryharrowcarrotnarrowor rathersooner or latersurroundhorncorridorarroganceshortcorrectlyhormoneshortscorruptionsurroundingcorrelationin shorthorizonshortlycut shortthoroughshortagemetaphor
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