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Holy land in a sentence

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Sentence count:51+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: melancholyholyholy placehollandlandholdermelancholicwaylaypolyMeaning: n. an ancient country in southwestern Asia on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea; a place of pilgrimage for Christianity and Islam and Judaism. 
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1. Psyche, from the regions which Are holy land!
2. On his return from the Holy Land, he stopped at Cotignola.
3. Study tours to the Holy Land, to learn Modern Hebrew or to visit museums and sites of interest, are encouraged.
4. Welcome to the Holy Land Experience, the newest and most controversial addition to this amusement park capital.
5. The Pope began a week-long visit to the Holy Land.
6. First Crusade expels vampires from The Holy Land, Jerusalem.
7. The fairyland has got the Holy Land of nature.
8. The university is the holy land of teaching art.
9. Many were his exploits in the Holy Land.
10. Xibaipo revolution from the Holy Land, only 15 km, is the only way to Xibaipo.
11. Herod became the ruler of the Holy Land under the Romans around 74 B.C.
12. Finally, the great expedition set off for the long journey to the Holy Land.
13. He was also gaunt and cadaverous, and as dark as the Semitic people of the Holy Land.
14. His father cheered him by ordering copies of large maps of the Holy Land at ten guilders each.
15. The story of the Hebrews is of a nomadic tribal people who settled the Holy Land - a depopulated fertile agricultural area.
16. She and Gwen, a fellow widow and expatriate, were booked on an escorted tour of the Holy Land.
17. But even after redeployment, war will be the status quo in the Holy Land, peace the unknown quantity.
18. Around me boxes were being packed to be sent to the Holy Land.
19. Encouraged by this success[], the rebels proceeded to organise a defensive network throughout the Holy Land.
20. Ten thousand marks were sought from King John as a subsidy for the Holy Land.
21. From up here, the Forest of Dean was a holy land.
22. Also, Richard thought to have the marriage ceremony performed in the Holy Land.
23. Granted, expectation of the Messiah was rife throughout the Holy Land at the time.
24. Many are soldiers of the cross who returned from the Holy Land to find their places filled.
25. In the name of Christendom, kings and their knights rode off to crusades with papal blessing, as David and the hosts of Yahweh redivivus[], cleansing the Holy Land of infidels.
26. Can be called an ancient and rich ore far the Holy Land.
27. The only place where the real God Elohim can be found is to be in Israel, more so in Jerusalem, His Holy Land of Promise, and upon the Temple Mount the Holy Temple is to be rebuilt in these last days.
28. The Pope won't be dropping Lord Nelson a line asking him to retake the Holy Land, but religion does play a part in social order and diplomatic relations.
29. That is one has emerald green wood, clear and laky the fair the Holy land with fine Xue Fengfei.
30. 1095 - On the last day of the Council of Clermont, Pope Urban II appoints Bishop Adhemar of Le Puy and Count Raymond IV of Toulouse to lead the First Crusade to the Holy Land.
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