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Hint in a sentence

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Sentence count:216+17Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: implyinsinuateintimatesuggestSimilar words: thinchinthinkthingbehindcash inwithinnothingMeaning: [hɪnt]  n. 1. an indirect suggestion 2. a slight indication 3. a slight but appreciable addition 4. a just detectable amount 5. an indication of potential opportunity. v. drop a hint; intimate by a hint. 
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181. He fades in and out of the conversation, has a hint of trouble lifting the fork to his mouth.
182. Once, we had tea and crumpet without a hint of double entendres.
183. Dana had given no hint of where they were going.
184. She knows her party is vulnerable to any hint of being kind to crooked capitalists.
185. More than a hint of the attack which is coming was dropped yesterday by Norman Lamont, the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
186. She searched his face for just the slightest hint that there might be the chance of some give in his rigidity.
187. But he does honestly like them and can join a playground game or a classroom singalong without a hint of embarrassment.
187. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
188. She very seldom looked embarrassed, but there was just a hint of embarrassment about her now.
189. The Dennis case in the United States provides us with a hint as to how departures from constitutional principle may be explained.
190. At the slightest hint of sloth, cross them off your list.
191. The slightest hint of militancy was enough to bar a group from being funded.
192. That would show at least a hint of what the flow it-self looked like.
193. He didn't pick up on my hint.
194. What a privilege for you as a husband to display at least a hint of Christ's headship and make him real to your family!
195. Whether discussing Lao Zhi from the East or Plato from the West, the ultimate layer of human reasoning seems to always hint at the balance and permanence of the universe.
196. At one point, design notes hint of the possibility of the Kaminoans being luminescent, though that was never firmly established.
197. The first hint of a breakthrough came when Blackburn was studying chromosomes in a simple pond-dwelling organism called tetrahymena.
198. PALATE: Full bodied with intense blackberry and prune flavours backed by a hint of mocha and game that linger through the velvety persistent finish. Red Meat dishes - lamb shanks and peppered steak.
199. Medical supply companies are retooling products to hide any hint of medical components.
200. Alcohol: 13.5%Appellation: Toscana IGT, Italy. Colour: Lovely yellow with green hint. Bouquet: Very good, very rich white.
201. At minimum, the branch hint must be four instruction fetch groups before the branch instruction, or it will have no effect.
202. When you look round you see friendly faces smiling at you there is no hint of anything like blame for what elsewhere might be considered as brusqueness.
203. Based on this, went up to image construction. It discussed that the hint function of film voice can produce visual-auditory image only by combination with picture motion.
204. Hint: atmospheric turbulence causes the image of the star to scintillate or vary in brightness and color more readily than the planet.
205. The number attribute on the XForms repeat element is a hint to the renderer as to the number of repeat items (or rows) to display at any one time.
206. Characterized by symbol, simplicity, hint and mystery, its aesthetic feature is in accordance with the aesthetic taste of eastern people.
207. Hint about this characteristic: the nutrient vessel of OCH does not come from the ophthalmic artery, ophthalmic vein or intracranial vessel.
208. Hint: For the older pregnant woman, the AFP in amniotic fluid should be checked as a rule. The check rate of nerve tube blemish can be increased, and the birth of ill infant can be avoided.
209. To hint 11-sour testosterone main to interfere with normal differentiation development of first spermatocyte, apoptosis second spermatocyte and nematoblast.
210. Circuit design by infra-red coding circuit, infrared decoder circuit, drop the electricity protection circuit, sound and light hint alarming circuit, the keyboard and display circuit.
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