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Glycogen in a sentence

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Sentence count:65Posted:2017-08-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: glycolglycolysisglycosuriacogentcogencymollycoddleholy communionglycerinMeaning: n. one form in which body fuel is stored; stored primarily in the liver and broken down into glucose when needed by the body. 
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31. Methods 106 specimens were examined by using glycogen assay, PCR and cell culture.
32. Given that the flight muscles usually contain about 0.35% glycogen by weight, calculate how long a game Bird can fly.
33. Abstract: FDP has many actions for mice, such as antifatigue, antioxygen-deficient, decreasing urinary nitrogen output of fatigue mice, improving glycogenesis and decreasing glycogen consumption.
34. Consuming carbohydrates right after training can speed glycogen repletion and muscle recovery.
35. Background - PRKAG 2 mutations cause glycogen - storage cardiomyopathy, ventricular preexcitation, and conduction system degeneration.
36. Glycogen as Energy Storage: How Long Can a Game Bird Fly?
37. Periodic acid Schiff reagent(PAS) was used to determine the contents of liver and muscle glycogen. HE staining was performend to observe the changes in the liver and kidney tissue structures.
38. Fig. 6 Freezing and cryosubstitution with PVP cryoprotective agent for rat heart tissue. There are no glycogen particles in the muscular tissue.
39. It is suggested that the mechanism of ADZ making encysted larva lethal is inhibiting metabolism of glycogen, RNA, and DNA, and ATP production.
40. CONCLUSION: The lobster chitosan has the functions of declining the BS value and strengthening the sugar tolerance whereas unaffecting the normal glycogen metabolism in diabetic mice.
41. Its effects on blood lactic acid, blood uria nitrogen, liver glycogen and muscle glycogen of mice were also tested.
42. The cytoplasmic clearing is due to glycogen content which can be demonstrated by PAS positiity.
43. The glycogen reduced on the scolex and neck region of experiments cysticerci[], while the external surface of bladder were not changed.
44. Aim:To search for novel modulators of glycogen metabolism through structural modifications of natural pentacyclic triterpenes.
45. To observe the effect of Pueraria lobata flavone on endurance exercised rat's convalescent liver glycogen and muscle glycogen.
46. The content of liver glycogen and the activity of liver glucokinase were studied.
47. We store only a very limited amount of carbohydrate ( glycogen ) in our bodies.
47. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
48. Blood glucose and liver glycogen were measured by GOD method and phenol _ su.
49. Objective To study the molluscicidal activity, the influence on glycogen content of Oncomelania hupensis and the acute toxicity to zebra fish of the extract from Phytolacca americana Linn leaf.
50. TIP: Eat a carbohydrate source and protein source within 30 minutes after workouts to promote muscle recovery and glycogen repletion.
51. After the animal is killed, glycogen falls apart into glucose.
52. "Glycogen is necessary for thinking; it's necessary for muscle action; it's necessary just for the cells to live in general, " says Dr. Naomi Neufeld, an endocrinologist at UCLA.
53. PAF has been implicated as a mediator of physiological processes such as signaling and activation of proinflammatory cells, alteration of vascular permeability, and stimulation of glycogen metabolism.
54. The glycogen and protein contents of O. hupensis treated with light petroleum extract of M. azedarach L. leaves were determined by Anthrone and Coomassie reactions, respectively.
55. The glycogen of animal tissues, especially liver is rapidly depolymerized to D-glucose after slaughter, and immediate deep freezing is required to preserve the glycogen.
56. L. heterophyllus stachydrine can also decrease protein content to some extent (by 5.66%-13.69%), but not as significant as glycogen content.
57. In the same time, the mice's weight decreased and synthesis of glycogen increased, and the activity of glucokinase got improved.
58. Acid maltase deficiency (AMD) is a form of glycogen storage disease, which is an inherited autosomal recessive disease and rarely found in adults.
59. What is the physiological function of glycogen phosphorylase in skeletal muscle?In liver?
60. Objective To establish a method for measuring glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme BB ( GPBB ).
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