Synonym: Imperial gallon, congius, gal. Similar words: call on, pull on, tell on, dwell on, legal, legally, frugal, gallery. Meaning: ['gælən] n. 1. United States liquid unit equal to 4 quarts or 3.785 liters 2. a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 4 quarts or 4.545 liters.
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61, The 4. 3-cent a gallon tax was added on to the existing 14. 1-cent-a-gallon federal tax in 1993.
62, Fill it up with diesel, and it should reward you with a return of comfortably over miles per gallon on average.
63, Natural gas provides a viable alternative to petrol and diesel, offering a large cost saving per gallon.
64, A 15 gallon tank is large enough for a pair of Discus.
65, That was before we installed the eight thousand gallon water storage tank, which Health and Safety thought could drown a child.
66, It is said that they would increase the cost of petrol by 20p a gallon.
67, The petrol chain, Jet, will cut the price of a gallon by up to 6p from midnight tomorrow.
68, One produced a half gallon flagon of Johnnie Walker Red Label and six little cups.
69, Taking age into account and the lack of accuracy possible when measuring miles per gallon, 15 is not a bad score!
70, However, in more rural counties, unleaded regular can still be found for $ 1. 19 a gallon.
71, Believe me, it gets far more productivity to the gallon!
72, Currently run on central heating oil at a rate of one gallon per hour.
73, Miles per gallon Then, on a long haul, it wouldn't go up hill or overtake on the flat.
74, Last Friday, heating oil futures rose 2. 3 percent a gallon in New York to 60. 64 cents.
75, Concord, where it sells at $ 1. 41 per gallon.
76, Every gallon of diesel bought at a U.K. service station ensures that another £1.03 in duty flows into the Treasury's coffers.
77, Some shoppers tell horror stories of plastic bags ripping apart as they carry a gallon jug of milk.
78, Keeping the gallon of milk cold had been easy-Louella merely raised the window and set it outside on the roof.
79, Greater fuel efficiency is essential and there are now prototype cars that can travel between 52 and 100 miles per gallon.
80, February gasoline rose 0. 20 cent 55. 41 cents a gallon.
81, Petrol will increase by around 11p a gallon with annual road tax rising from £110 to £130.
82, There was barely a gallon of gas in the tank.
83, C[],(Sentencedict) with the addition of one teaspoonful of salt per gallon in the case of D. quadrifasciatus.
84, In some cases, prices had gone up by 38 cents a gallon.
85, I want to retain the present engine's performance but increase the miles per gallon.
86, Understand and use simple rates; e.g. £ per hour, miles per gallon.
87, February unleaded gasoline fell 3. 75 cents to 54. 44 cents a gallon.
88, Above: A Lunula Butterfly is just one of the many inhabitants in Paul's 250 gallon tank.
89, February unleaded gasoline rose 0. 80 cent to 53. 90 cents a gallon.
90, I ate a whole gallon of ice cream by myself.