Similar words: functional, functionally, dysfunctional, functionary, nationality, rationality, function, and function. Meaning: n. capable of serving a purpose well.
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1. Manufacturing processes may be affected by the functionality of the product.
2. Its functionality has been bolstered as well.
3. Version 1.15 adds little in functionality over prior releases.
4. This may include a printed manual, extra functionality in the registered version and product support by telephone or fax.
5. Samples are separated according to functionality or chemical composition as well as molar mass.
6. They hope to achieve the functionality of the vertebrate brain in a silicon machine.
7. Its case is that full functionality previously depended on users integrating functions from separate vendors.
8. Beginning with the simplest units, artificial neurons, functionality is then added by combining these nodes into layers with multiple interconnections.
9. Much of the functionality of cellular systems lies in the microprocessors that operate both the subscriber units and the infrastructure.
10. We pay for that beauty as well as functionality in most goods.
11. After all, functionality is beauty, and the Christina Penin model is doing a splendid job in my kitchen.
12. The functionality of military expenditure resides for structuralists in the contribution it makes to the ideological hegemony of the capitalist system.
13. The new platforms need to show enhanced functionality, lower software and hardware costs, and, above all, easy availability.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. Interfaces describe a set of functionality, or a contract.
15. It is significantly more compact than any comparable laptop, with no loss in functionality.
16. Phase three, promised by the end of the year, will add other accounting and configuration functionality.
17. The firm is also committed to integrating object technology to improve workflow automation, systems management and decision support functionality.
18. The company is currently designing a new chassis to provide full mechanical functionality, expecting it to ship in June.
19. The devices could be sold to schools and companies that need limited functionality from a computer.
20. One of our interviews with a manager in a high slack company illustrates the functionality of political intrigue.
21. Verification: systems developed for legal or commercial applications could include automatic signature verification as a useful part of their functionality.
22. These covers often seem to be added for effect rather than functionality.
23. At a design level, the user interface determines the screen design and its functionality.
24. The study discards current Window 3.1 users in the intermediate term because it neither improves their speed nor enriches their functionality.
25. Straight after this are two Masterclasses on adding pizzazz, functionality and usability to your Web site.
26. To add to customers' problems, he said, old mainframes can't run new software with additional functionality.
27. FastPort will give your printers the plug and play functionality of printers that cost thousands of dollars more.
28. External equipment costs are also reduced, since the new interface also includes integrated Data Service Unit functionality.
29. This presents a different level of quality of service and perhaps even a loss of functionality.
30. It may become dull and mechanized, lowering its performance standards and expectations in the inter-est of predictable functionality.
More similar words: functional, functionally, dysfunctional, functionary, nationality, rationality, function, and function, malfunction, dysfunction, exponential function, sectionalism, punctuality, tonality, unction, junction, national security council, personality, commonality, compunction, injunction, disjunction, conjunction, fictional, sectional, in conjunction with, rationalisation, rationalization, nationalization, unconditional.