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Favor in a sentence

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Sentence count:299+15Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: approvebenefitcourtesykindnesslook likepreferresembleserviceAntonym: animosityenmitymaliceSimilar words: favoritefavorableflavorin favour ofsurvivorMeaning: ['feɪvə(r)]  n. 1. an act of gracious kindness 2. an advantage to the benefit of someone or something 3. an inclination to approve 4. a feeling of favorable regard 5. souvenir consisting of a small gift given to a guest at a party. v. 1. promote over another 2. consider as the favorite 3. treat gently or carefully 4. bestow a privilege upon. 
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121 There is a big movement in favor of socialism in the South, and work is under way to create a national front.
122 But giant telecommunications firms that have already pledged tens of billions for highway construction favor a less regulated market.
123 Unlike Forbes, Gramm and Buchanan favor retaining the home-mortgage deduction and the deduction for charitable gifts.
124 Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa., that would amend the 1934 act in their favor.
125 Romasenko was arrested and jailed after the alleged kidnappers told police she had asked them for the favor.
126 Until then, the Vietminh leaders had calculated that temperance would win them Allied favor.
127 He was charming, expansive and, according to investigators, a danger to the well-being of associates who fell from favor.
127 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
128 She is doing us a favor by allowing us to double and triple up like this.
129 You owe yourself a favor - know what you should do and what you should not do. Dr T.P.Chia 
130 The judge said his ruling in favor of the news media was subject to change.
131 Second, the Constitution tips the scales in favor of the individual over the state in highly personal matters.
132 Elmire tries to win a favor from Tartuffe by inflaming his lechery and trapping him in a compromising situation.
133 There is, however, one that has found favor among many commentators.
134 If the federal court rules in the environmentalists' favor, Unocal could face penalties in the millions of dollars.
135 Many gourmets favor the use of confit with lentils or fava bean dishes as well.
136 Government policy should not undermine free broadcasting in favor of pay services offered by cable, phone and satellite companies.
137 The proposed law would upset that balance in favor of property owners.
138 The enemy, too, was confident despite the heavy odds in our favor.
139 Reengineering, it seems, like the Cultural Revolution before it, has suddenly fallen out of favor with those in power.
140 No longer will the path to advancement be assured by currying favor with a few influential bosses.
141 Some City Council members favor saving money through attrition of older officers.
142 In 1994, the Globe editorialized in favor of a new one.
143 Kronthal had done Lewie a favor by agreeing to join the mortgage depart-ment.
144 At last report it was before the same court arguing in favor of the obvious discrimination it opposed last year.
145 In that system, things were rigged in favor of the haves.
146 He could rule entirely in favor of the government, and let all the rules stand.
147 Younger children favor expiatory punishment; older children favor punishment by reciprocity.
148 The researcher may actually expect that the null hypothesis is faulty and should be rejected in favor of the alternative H1.
149 Your letter of recommendation swung the balance in his favor.
150 Your stock could lose favor with WalJ Street and take a big slide.
More similar words: favoritefavorableflavorin favour ofsurvivor
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