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Faithful in a sentence

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Sentence count:230+12Posted:2016-12-28Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: faithlessSimilar words: waitawaittraitwait onwait forfailfairmaitre d'Meaning: ['feɪθfʊl]  n. 1. any loyal and steadfast following 2. a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church. adj. 1. steadfast in affection or allegiance 2. marked by fidelity to an original 3. not having sexual relations with anyone except your husband or wife, or your boyfriend or girlfriend. 
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121. Voice over Another faithful sign that winter is truly upon us, is when wildlife comes in from the cold.
122. Charles stood like a carved idol receiving the homage of the faithful.
123. She the heroine entrapped by family expectations; he a faithful and stoic, if unimaginative hero.
124. Franciscan legend thus presented the faithful a generation later with Francis as the allegorical saviour of the universal Church.
125. The resulting fictionalised account is a faithful portrait of a musical genius, drunken lout, spiritual healer, liar and clown.
126. If your partner has not been faithful, then your partner is at risk which also puts you at risk.
127. As an example of unconscious wealth Ely cited an obedient, diligent, and faithful son.
128. Or, to put it another way, would men be able to indulge themselves if every woman was really faithful?
129. It is simply due to the fact that these little hotels have remained faithful to habits dating from 1840 or so.
130. Nevertheless,[] Orthodoxy provided a real haven for faithful Christians right throughout this period.
131. Light streamed through a skylight and fell on the altar, where several robed monks distributed the Eucharist to the faithful.
132. In this happenstance, faithful friend Lobo, these white ladies would pay anything for milk.
133. From the top of one these, a muezzin calls the faithful to prayer.
134. On Thursday night, he appeared before 3,500 party faithful in the north of Paris in his last rally before polling day.
135. Please show some respect to us faithful readers, as this is surely a perfect example of bad business practice!
136. Three generations of imitation so doggedly faithful that it defied credibility.
137. Although a faithful man of his own Church, everything was subsumed under these Evangelical essentials.
138. Books are those faithful mirrors that reflect to our mind the minds of sages and heroes. Edward Gibbon 
139. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. Mother Teresa 
140. But I was faithful - so why the sudden surge of guilt?
141. With my humble duty, I remain, Your Majesty's faithful and devoted servant.
142. There was no better candidate then Ickes's close friend, fellow newspaperman, and faithful subordinate, Mike Straus.
143. And a week of the old-time religion has certainly done a power of good for the Labour faithful.
144. In spite of all the indignities Joe Harries had heaped on her, Eline felt she should be faithful to her vows.
145. Cheltenham's Tory faithful welcomed the Lady and she returned the compliment.
146. Those of us who stayed faithful to the project found ourselves isolated, our findings met by polite scepticism at best.
147. The band still has a large number of faithful followers.
148. The faithful battle each other every day to have access to either of these objects.
149. Otherwise the faithful were implicated in the suffering of the poor.
150. He was a deeply committed man, faithful to his convictions at enormous personal risk.
More similar words: waitawaittraitwait onwait forfailfairmaitre d'faintfairyportraitawaitingwaitressfairlyunfairfail toaffairfailurefair playstate of affairsby fair means or foulfullawfulhandfulin fullcarefulhopefulfulfillfretfulforceful
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