Synonym: descent, origin. Similar words: extracting, traction, extract, attraction, subtraction, extradition, fraction, refraction. Meaning: [-kʃn] n. 1. the process of obtaining something from a mixture or compound by chemical or physical or mechanical means 2. properties attributable to your ancestry 3. the act of pulling out (as a tooth).
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31. Chemometrics and analytical data extraction are the main topics covered in the computer corner.
32. Experimental details and literature examples are given for Soxhlet extraction, sonication and shake flask.
33. During debates on gravel extraction he could be seen flicking through its pages.
34. Workers face the signal extraction problem of deciding whether the increase in real wages is transitory or lasting.
35. In many cases, the most sensible location for an extraction fan is in the ceiling.
36. The extraction of expensively heated warm air from the laboratory through fume cupboards is another area of concern.
37. This is practical, useful information(, since it makes extraction of these gases relatively easy.
38. The course includes following topics - thermodynamics, kinetics, solution chemistry, organic chemistry, transition metals and metal extraction.
39. Two of the most important are liquid-phase chromatography and solvent extraction.
40. They put an upper limit of 4.6 million cubic meters on annual timber extraction.
41. It's relatively cheap and currently much is wasted by flare-off at extraction.
42. Opponents of the mining claim more cash could be generated from eco-tourism than titanium extraction.
43. Reprocessing is a highly technically demanding and extremely expensive operation, involving the extraction of uranium and plutonium from the spent fuel.
44. Propane-rich fuels come mainly from oil extraction and refining, and can be burnt either in spark-ignition motors or dual-fuel units.
45. They would think her maternal instinct outraged at the extraction of her child?
46. They have frowned on the extraction of dowries from the parents of brides.
47. Government is poised to forecast a huge increase in the extraction of aggregates-one third of which go to roads.
48. Many cities are sinking either because of natural land movement or because of water extraction from beneath the city.
49. The 1979 round of oil price rises made extraction more or less economically feasible.
50. There is no record of Osbald's parentage but a Bernician extraction seems highly probable.
51. Recorded conversations can either be analyzed for relevant communications in situ or transported to an information extraction facility.
52. There had been a fall of 15,000,000 tonnes in the volume of oil and gas extraction.
53. The protesters are opposed to the extraction of minerals in the area.
54. She faces what is known as a signal extraction problem.
55. Platelet activating factor was extracted from biopsies using ethanolic extraction as previously reported by us and others.
56. Dentists will only resort to extraction of a tooth when all other treatments have failed.
57. Dust extraction plant had been installed and a vacuum cleaning system became operational.
58. Water extraction from permafrost by distillation seems rather straight forward.
59. Several techniques for the extraction of such information are discussed and evaluated.
60. The line was once a mineral extraction route constructed mainly for coal mining in the area.
More similar words: extracting, traction, extract, attraction, subtraction, extradition, fraction, refraction, infraction, diffraction, interaction, practitioner, transaction, attractive, retractile, unattractive, fractious, action, extinction, faction, reaction, in action, extra, take action, benefaction, stupefaction, satisfaction, putrefaction, course of action, extraneous.