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Ert in a sentence

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Sentence count:15Posted:2018-01-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pertperthhertzvertalertovertpertlyinertMeaning: n. the coordinated universal time when an event is received on Earth. 
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1. Organize ERT training two times per month.
2. Who gets the extra de ert at di er?
3. Can we do a bar t ert r ade?
4. The advanced electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and high sensitivity shallow seismic exploration techniques are successfully applied in the Xiapanling road channel selection.
5. Dennis Carmichael, co-founder of ERT Systems, a five-year-old company that sells a wireless tracking system for first responders to emergencies, saw a significant increase in orders five months ago.
6. Objective To discuss the results of emergency room thoracotomy (ERT) in the management of critical cardiac penetrating injury.
7. Conclusions ERT was important in treatment of patients with penetrating cardiac injuries.
8. We agree to i ert a clause giving you a ten - day grace period.
9. Maintain Emergency Action Plan, first aid plan, ERT and fire drilling current.
10. Main functions and its implementing methods are described. Several ERT images are also shown.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. Based on new excitation technique, a realtime electrical resistance tomography ( ERT ) system was developed.
12. Patients who have experienced anaphylaxis to ELELYSO or another ERT should proceed with caution upon retreatment.
13. In this paper, the electrode structure and single electrode current exciting mode are deeply analyzed and optimized by the fundamental study of ERT technology.
14. The decision was taken to preserve a historic facade, despite the fact that it is not officially protected, and to ins ert the building between it and the party wall of the adjacent building.
15. Objective To summarize clinical experience of treating penetrating cardiac injuries patients in emergency room thoracotomy ( ERT ).
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