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Engage in a sentence

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Sentence count:176+8Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: absorbagreebusyemployengrossentanglegriphireholdinvolveoccupypromiseAntonym: disengageSimilar words: engage inengaged inengagementmortgageungainlyas long asso long asbring aboutMeaning: [ɪn'geɪdʒ]  v. 1. carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in 2. engage or engross wholly 3. engage or hire for work 4. ask to represent; of legal counsel 5. give to in marriage 6. get caught 7. carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns) 8. hire for work or assistance 9. engage for service under a term of contract 10. keep engaged. 
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91 Higher animals also engage in playful combat and other forms of competitive behaviour.
92 But new directions and designs help only when the people who must change behaviors engage in understanding and shaping them.
93 A wide variety of reasons exist for the reluctance to move outside the classroom in order to engage students in their learning.
94 To see how men began to entertain values and engage in the pursuit of excellence we need additional sources of information.
94 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
95 A legal facilitator cautions us that we may engage in a civil-disobedience action and that the police may arrest us.
96 Occasionally the child makes a comment, and the two may engage in brief dialogue.
97 On July 16 Bhutto announced her intention to abandon parliamentary politics and engage in street demonstrations to press for fresh elections.
98 How royal conflicts could engage these various interests is best seen through a detailed investigation of one particular crisis.
99 Earlier in the day, warriors will engage in mock battle.
100 Convenience stores engage in relatively little advertising and in few promotions, though they do feature some specials from time to time.
101 I was in terror that he might try to engage me in conversation.
102 In this species the two parents' chloroplasts engage in a war of attrition that destroys 95 percent of them.
103 Old warhorses with many caps to their name were always allowed to engage in a running banter with the ref.
104 Indeed, the notion that all students should engage in serious academic work and learn it deeply is a relatively recent phenomenon.
105 Whether they are driving too fast or drinking and driving or using life-threatening drugs, teenagers frequently engage in risk-taking behavior.
106 In order to participate meaningfully within the community members of this group must actively engage in the issues that confront them.
107 Yet we systematically deny these individuals the opportunity to engage in meaningful ways with the adult world.
108 Partners must not engage in any form of enterprise which is in competition with the partnership.
109 No wonder Great Groups engage in water fights, drink copious amounts of beer, and arm wrestle.
110 As soon as any contracts are offered you will have to engage a lawyer to negotiate on your behalf.
111 In the 1960s women could neither engage in business nor launch political careers.
112 When cells fuse, the rival bacteria in each engage in a struggle to the death.
113 Apparently she often approached him with a picture book or toy to engage him in play with her.
114 For many years, Feltham had sought to engage staff constructively with especially challenging and often mentally disordered young men.
115 Lydia felt briefly sorry for her and attempted to engage her in conversation, but it was no good.
116 Please engage the eddy current brake.
117 To engage in the sport of skydiving.
118 Treasurer - Engage in trade enterprises.
119 Factory does not engage in trans-shipping activities.
120 They also engage in various kinds of sideline production.
More similar words: engage inengaged inengagementmortgageungainlyas long asso long asbring aboutlengthengineengulfedengineerat lengthpassengerstrengthenchallengedgeneration gapengineeringageragecagepagewageNew Ageagenteagerimagedamagemanagefor ages
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