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Drops in a sentence

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Sentence count:260+11Posted:2016-08-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: cropsdrop outdrop offdrop bydrowndroughtbedroomsyndrome
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121. It shows how good Batts is because normally Dalglish makes one offer - if it s rejected he drops out altogether.
122. If you travel between April 7-21, the rate drops to $ 70 because the resort throws in free skiing.
123. The penny suddenly drops, and he is revealed as the one who makes sense of life.
124. The moon is beginning to take the twilight, temperature drops alarmingly, there's a real chill in the air.
125. On entering a church the Roman Catholic drops to one knee and makes the sign of the cross.
125. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
126. Now he had made it bleed again, a steady flow of drops falling on to his trousers.
127. But sometimes, the trash drops a hint to a waiter.
128. Now the rate of new infections drops dramatically along a mathematical curve almost the opposite of the one it initially rose upon.
129. Similasan Eye Drops 3 for computer eye fatigue will be available beginning this month in health food stores and select pharmacies.
130. In San Marcos, river conditions can be adversely affected when spring flow drops below 100 cubic feet per second.
131. If Glenn McGrath, arguably currently the world's finest fast bowler, drops a short one(, cut or hook him.
132. That was the other thing, it took me a long fight to get my eye drops.
133. He shook his rain-sodden hair away from his face, and sent a spray of drops into the air.
134. Add a few drops of vanilla essence, the egg white and half the butter.
135. But once in a while, when her veil drops, it arouses other emotions.
136. She looks up at him, holds his gaze for a second or two, then drops her eyes.
137. A gray gull carries some sea creature high up over the beach, drops it from its beak.
138. They may be so badly affected that their productivity drops.
139. Gilts suffered too, with price drops of up to a point.
140. She applied a few drops of perfume behind her ears and smiled at her reflection in the mirror.
141. Within one generation, the predation rate drops to the level found in areas where the animals have long co-existed.
142. The large drops leave the spray behind and pass on to hit the target.
143. Have the students decide which person will drop the water and which one will count the drops.
144. The saucer drops between the towers, flies low over strangely deserted streets and comes suddenly to a grinding halt.
145. School drug bust: Boy had cough drops Belle, W.. Va.
146. You will need to cut all fabric drops to the total length measurement as at the centre of the window.
147. So any dew drops condensing on the leaf face would run to the edges.
148. Both eye irritation and redness are helped with lubricating eye drops and eye ointments.
149. Divide it among four small bowls, then mix a few drops of food colouring into each one.
150. One section drops into a ravine filled with live oak and bay.
More similar words: cropsdrop outdrop offdrop bydrowndroughtbedroomsyndromecroppropertyproperlyproposeproposedEuropeantropicalproportionappropriatemetropolitaneastern europein proportion toelectroplatinground and round
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