Similar words: wrenching, drench, drenched, ranching, lynching, punching, launching, unflinching. Meaning: [drentʃ] n. the act of making something completely wet.
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1. The salts have been leaching away during a drenching rain.
2. The blood had splashed out, drenching their clothes.
3. Blood was pouring from the cut, drenching his shirt.
4. A severe drenching would kill his uncle.
5. We stayed all day, suffering short drenching showers of rain and drying out in the hot spells in between.
6. The drenching rain would have precluded the possibility of sleep without this additional cause.
7. During our interview, a monsoon rain was drenching his small, 1920s house in Sam Hughes.
8. The experiment had to be abandoned however as drenching rain was continuous and the tent was blown down.
9. I could feel the blood pouring out, drenching the bed.
10. A fierce gale, huge waves, and a drenching rain bear down upon the frail whaling ship with all their might.
11. A black cloudburst was drenching Siena at midday.
12. He gave it a good drenching.
13. I reached Kilmarnock in the early morning in drenching rain.
14. A jeep, full of people, sped drenching me in spray.
15. Methods: Models of incomplete abortion were made by drenching pregnant rats with Mifepristone and Misoprostol. The effect was then observed of persimmon leaves on metrorrhagia of these models.
15. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. The low-temperature resistance test , rain drenching resistance test and automobile simulation tests were made.
17. Without a drenching rain, the forest fire will char everything.
18. Night sweats are drenching sweats that require a change of bedding.
19. A drenching rain poured down and the rising hurricane drove it in sheets along the ground.
20. There use a drenching the water valve and an air - drying valve in the work position air - dried.
21. He uncoiled the hose and gave them a thorough drenching.
22. Rays of afternoon light poured through the stained glass windows, drenching the sanctuary with splashes of color.
23. The mariners spent the night in such shelter as they could find from the 30-knot winds, drenching squalls and menacing waves.
24. Above, the cloud banks had parted: the moon poured down its drenching blue brilliance.
25. Overnight the cloud had been whisked away and a full moon hovered in the sky, drenching the rooftops with pale silver.
26. The congealing blood from the severed arteries of the snow-soaked head drenching the carpet and seeping down between the floor boards.
27. The storm system known as Frances moved into the southeastern United States after drenching Florida with more than 30 centimeters of rain.
28. The wind drenches the room to have the infrared electro-optic auto-induction stop-go control to blow drenches[], avoids the wind drenching room nobody to blow spatially.
29. The three of us set off, our wheels skidding crazily under that drenching rain.
30. This might explain why India's winter rains were poor this year ; but May delivered a drenching.
More similar words: wrenching, drench, drenched, ranching, lynching, punching, launching, unflinching, penny-pinching, launching pad, encroaching, children, trench, wrench, French, grandchildren, retrench, entrench, washing machine, trenchant, french bean, entrenched, trenchancy, trench warfare, french fries, french leave, french window, retrenchment, french revolution, aching.