Similar words: spotted, besotted, gotten, rotten, forgotten, lottery, hot temper, tottering. Meaning: [dɒt] adj. 1. having a pattern of dots 2. having gaps or spaces.
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91. Moose and bear prints dotted the sand bars and bald eagles glared down at us from river-side perches.
92. They moored in the evenings to various of the islets which dotted the river.
93. The head vein is dotted, the labyrinth of the inner ear is black.
94. Dotted with warming sheds, food courts and places to rent skates and ice sleighs, the canal never seems to sleep.
95. So the spectators' section was dotted with little clumps of people, none of them spectators in any sporting sense.
96. The Great River swept sluggishly through meads that were aflame with buttercups and dotted with the last patches of melting snow.
97. The countryside here is dotted with the ruins of churches the government has torn down or blown up in recent weeks.
98. Tearing along the dotted line on roads and motorways without so much as a glance at the Highway Code.
99. They are in suburban Britain, dotted across a grey island nation that from here seems remote and eccentric.
100. It was a beautiful dress, white seersucker dotted with small mauve flowers.
101. Low couches and upholstered cushions were dotted around the floor.
102. It was a hot October afternoon, and perspiration dotted her forehead.
103. And the northernmost town has several sprawling communities dotted with golf courses and street after street of lush, green lawns.
104. Well, we haven't dotted the i's and crossed the t's, but the contract's nearly ready.
105. Clouds of little-crested parrots and rose-breasted cockatoos swarmed upon the woods that were dotted here and there over the grasslands.
106. As tables I and 2 demonstrate, Czerny marks it dotted minim 60.
107. However, before signing on the dotted line, you should think carefully about the risks and the costs.
108. Protein residues in contact are also shown, with hydrogen bonds as dotted lines.
109. It had stripped floorboards with pastel rugs dotted on them, and white walls.
110. About twelve worshippers dotted the empty, evenly-spaced pews, like lonely beads on a child's abacus.
111. Dotted overhead, quite motionless and forming apparently random patterns, were myriads of tiny black specks.
112. Its lands are dotted with vineyards, villas and summer estates to which the noble families of the city retire.
113. The windows cowered behind a wire grill and were dotted with advertisements scrawled out on postcards.
114. Stone ruins were dotted about the site, several yards apart, like an abandoned village whose streets had turned to pastureland.
115. The long axis of the bar is vertical and the dotted lines indicate our line of sight to the Galactic Centre.
116. It's better to forward them inline, that is, beneath a dotted line.
117. Here and there in the grounds I could see people dotted about.
118. A massive grey building, its frontage decorated with stone pillars, its grounds were dotted with statues.
118. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
119. The hills of Tejon are dotted with California live oaks.
120. In the distance, live oaks dotted the landscape, as shaggy and dark and hunched as buffalo.
More similar words: spotted, besotted, gotten, rotten, forgotten, lottery, hot temper, tottering, fitted, witted, committed, admitted, acquitted, transmitted, dot, pitter-patter, dote, dotage, doting, and others, on the dot, anecdote, polka dot, antidote, do the trick, gotta, motto, scott, cotton, bottle.