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Depicted in a sentence

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Sentence count:269+10Posted:2017-06-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: depictdepictiondepictiveget the pictureaddictedafflictedconvictedpredictedMeaning: [dɪ'pɪkt]  adj. represented graphically by sketch or design or lines. 
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121. Finally, the virtual oscilloscope effect figure was depicted.
122. Chinese Aesthetics in the late 20th century can be depicted by the concept of neo - classicalism.
123. EPROM( Erasable Programming Read Only Memory) programming device is depicted; its system configuration, operation principle, software design and some flow charts are stated accordingly.
124. THE warmongering orcs depicted in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy are evil, unpleasant creatures that leave death and destruction in their wake.
125. Its front page depicted Johnson's Olympic flag waving antics with the headline "Don't drop the baton Boris!"
126. In order to validate WebSphere Application Server topologies, you can set up an isolated network similar to the example architecture depicted in Figure 1.
127. He is depicted as a big-bellied, yellow or red god with four arms and the head of a one- tusked elephant, riding on, or attended to by, a mouse.
128. He is depicted as a supplicant to gods, or in the protective presence of the ram deity Amun, or as a sphinx himself, or in a warrior's posture. Most statues were defaced by his rivals.
129. Articular cartilage, which is composed with a solid phase of collagen fibers and proteoglycan and a pore fluid phase, can be depicted with two-phase porous medium model based on mixture theory.
130. In any case, there was none of the imperial pageantry depicted in Bertolucci's film "The Last Emperor", nor did I notice any giggling concubines in the kitchen.
131. Pterosaurs, like these depicted gliding near an ancient sea, first arose during the Triassic period about 215 million years ago.
132. He finds a severed hand (Solomon's) marked with Masonic symbols, pointing to an 1865 painting of George Washington depicted as a pagan god. This is certainly terrible.
133. The cross product returned by the unintentional cross join depicted above.
134. In this paper, the function and composition of thylakoid membrane, and its change under low temperature stress are depicted.
135. The components and ecological characteristics of pteridophyte were depicted and the characteristics of flora were analyzed as well.
135. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
136. According to Poison process model, a general analysis method is established. The analysis result is depicted by exceedance probability curves.
137. With her entirely new color and technique, printmaker Kanaida Etsuko accurately presents the mysterious world depicted in author Hagiwara Sakutaro's representative work, Cat Town.
138. In one sketch, the dwarf Thorin, depicted in battle, wore a surreal helmet that appeared to be sprouting antlers.
139. The main content is depicted as follows:In the first chapter, we introduce the background and the current situation between capital transfer and the economic growth of a dual economic system simply.
140. The 2006 FIFA World Cup final between France and Italy was depicted as a fight between Roman legions and Gaulish villagers in newspapers.
141. This system, depicted in figure 1 - 8 , is usually referred to as the Apollo Spacecraft.
142. Trees are depicted with blocks of flat colour or shading.
143. Yossarian is one of the low-ranking officers depicted in Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, a famous American humorist writer. Sergeant Huogen is a representative of American soldiers in Iraq War.
144. The risk in project financing for CPPP is classified from different aspect and depicted particularly according to its attribute as resources project and infrastructure project.
145. It depicted simply an enormous face, more than a metre wide: the face of a man of about forty-five, with a heavy black moustache and ruggedly handsome features.
146. While Pastis had depicted various crocodiles in the strip as early as February 2004, these crocs were relatively competent and spoke normal English in a normal typeface.
147. First painted in October of 2002, the strange organic planet of then-nameless Felucia depicted sun-catching pod-like plants of enormous height, with an AT-TE walker lumbering in the underbrush.
148. This time the side armours were widened along the red line depicted in the left diagram.
149. In the last chapter, the achievements of this thesis were concluded and the prosper foreground of LIF technology applied in bio instruments was depicted.
150. Koreans and Chinese, on the other hand, are depicted as swarthy, brutish and slit - eyed.
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