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Depicted in a sentence

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Sentence count:269+10Posted:2017-06-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: depictdepictiondepictiveget the pictureaddictedafflictedconvictedpredictedMeaning: [dɪ'pɪkt]  adj. represented graphically by sketch or design or lines. 
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91. Now, women on television are depicted as tough cookies who need a man like a fish needs a trouser press.
92. This painting develops the theme of the model or the object depicted as a subject within the artist's studio.
93. True, it has increased 25 percent in the last generation, but this is hardly the dramatic change commonly depicted.
94. Both maintain that there are symbolic representations of the Ultimate whether the Ultimate be depicted as Truth or as the Holy.
95. It reminded him of the lamb sometimes depicted in church windows.
96. This scene is depicted at Avioth and in other Black Virgin churches.
97. An older historiographical tradition depicted Louis as an impulsive weakling, at the mercy of his overbearing wife.
98. Throughout his long struggle with Giraud, de Gaulle depicted himself as the one who was in touch with the aspirations of the Resistance.
99. Nevertheless, despite such limitations, the rough relationships which are depicted are not without interest.
100. He followed Miss Sadie into her bedroom, where he admired a small, vibrant oil that depicted a party of bathers.
101. As we learned in chapter 8, these results could be depicted in a causal path diagram as shown below.
102. The battlefield between the incoming Home Secretary and the veteran civil servant is vividly depicted in Jenkins's memoirs.
103. Women are simultaneously depicted by such structures as all-powerful and invisible.
104. A disclaimer at the start claims that none of the events depicted ever happened.
105. Firstly, it depicted the life of a mentally handicapped person as being unrewarding,(sentencedict .com) unstimulating and confined.
106. Filmgoers, unfortunately, are subjected to the unnecessary trauma of seeing the brutal crime depicted from arty camera angles.
107. In one later incarnation, she is depicted as severe, with a scalpel and a large pair of pincers.
108. Siferwas depicted John Whas, the scribe of the Missal, as a Benedictine.
109. The causes, course and consequences of consumption are depicted by Greenaway with excessive physicality.
110. Arachne's contribution was a woven hanging on which she had depicted the lives and loves of the gods.
111. In most fossil deposits, the later stages of modification depicted in Fig. 1.2 assume greater importance.
112. On memorial brasses chrysom children are depicted in this outfit, with a cross shown on the forehead.
113. His animal was the ram and he is depicted as a ram or a ram-headed man.
114. They are depicted by the media as glamorous, exciting and interesting.
115. The photograph depicted two naked men, engaged in one of the most nauseating of homosexual acts.
116. As we have said, Simon Peter's vicissitudes, as depicted by Anita Mason, can not have been unique.
117. This scene is depicted in bas-relief on the plinth of the Scott memorial, Plymouth.
118. Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou, as depicted in his tomb effigy.
119. The newer, more reliable tests which have been introduced since publication of the first edition are also described and depicted.
120. For example, in Figure 6.2, two initial disequilibrium states are depicted.
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