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Depicted in a sentence

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Sentence count:269+10Posted:2017-06-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: depictdepictiondepictiveget the pictureaddictedafflictedconvictedpredictedMeaning: [dɪ'pɪkt]  adj. represented graphically by sketch or design or lines. 
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151. We hear about the "obesity epidemic" on the TV news, with footage of people depicted from the waist down shuffling around in XXL sweatpants and carrying supersized sodas.
152. Recognizing 35 years of pioneering work, National Geographic features primatologist Jane Goodall on its cover for the second time since 1965, when she was depicted in an illustration.
153. Preassembly is vividly depicted and directly perceived through the virtual assembly. The validity of this arithmetic is verified.
154. The painting depicted the last of the four battles of the Bergisel - the bicentenary of which is marked this year.
155. Minerva depicted herself with helmed head, her Aegis covering her breast.
156. Defeated in court and depicted by rivals as a corportate Attila the Hun, he seemed bitter and angry.
157. In the first book we have more of the real Socrates, such as he is depicted in the Memorabilia of Xenophon , in the earliest Dialogues of Plato, and in the Apology.
158. Compaq in ads that depicted an empty-headed sales guy in a chain store.
159. Horus, the sun - god was often depicted sitting on a lotus ( like Buddha and Brahma ).
160. Main depicted mathematical modul of national information infrastructure and class base management system of multidimensional information.
161. Historical events are depicted technically accurate and based on first-hand experience.
162. Even creepier is the fact that many of the female characters are scantily clad, and hot (the Little Mermaid wasn't always depicted popping out of a tiny bikini top).
163. The sun god son of Hyperion and Theia depicted as driving his chariot across the sky from east to west daily.
164. In its place, up went a Norman Rockwell print from Johnnie Cochran's office that depicted a black girl being escorted to school by federal marshals.
165. In his most renowned masterpiece, The Birth of Venus, Early Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli depicted this mythological moment in breathtaking detail.
165. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
166. And the mechanism of the modification was depicted by the three-dimensional structure of HLA antigen.
167. A noise control project for diesel electric generator in small room is depicted in this paper.
168. Such maps depicted paradise as imaginatively and confidently as they did earthly topography.
169. It consists of a Sun orb flanked by two wings. The Egyptians traditionally depicted two serpents on the wings, representing the goddesses protecting Upper and Lower Egypt.
170. Based on the artificial immune net theory, the moving robot path finding and planning algorithm is perfected in the paper. The design ideas and the detail programs are depicted.
171. On sky maps, Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer is depicted as holding Serpens the Serpent, which is considered a separate constellation.
172. A new book has claimed that Robin Hood was not as selfless as he is often depicted, suggesting he stole from the rich and lent money to the poor as an early kind of "loan shark".
173. A typical cryogenic liquid cylinder is depicted in Fig . 2.
174. Before Pearl Buck, a great number of western writers had depicted China.
175. You name the passenger, and he or she is certain to be depicted at some finite number of steps east and south of the diagram's corner.
176. "Stepmom" was distributed by Columbia Tristar Company. The true-life story depicted in this film will greatly impress the audience.
177. In addition, the FPGA design flow and the technique of synchronous circuit design have been depicted.
178. Injuries of the lateral supporting structures, including the fibular collateral ligament, iliotibial band, biceps femoris, and popliteus tendon, also are depicted with MRI.
179. The logical volumes act like a normal disk partition, and are depicted by LV1 - LV6.
180. Next year, the same display space will be given over to a student-designed exhibit on how early-modern instruments and maps were depicted in print.
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