Similar words: helter-skelter, altar, poll tax, belt, melt, pelt, felt, voltaire. Meaning: ['deltə] n. 1. a low triangular area where a river divides before entering a larger body of water 2. the 4th letter of the Greek alphabet.
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91. The underground sediment of the Ganges Delta contains arsenic.
92. Fluviatile sands deposited by delta distributaries are quartzose.
93. The incremental and delta backups are greyed out.
94. It is a continuous analogue of the discreteKronecker delta.
95. Delta system was the domination sedimentary system on investigation.
96. The Yangtze Delta region price mediation and supervision mechanism work session was held in Ningbo recently.
97. It'still blows across the vast flooded plains of the Irrawaddy delta.
98. After flowing 4, 000 miles, the Nile river passes the Egyptian capital, Cairo, and then opens into the Nile Delta along the Mediterranean coastfrom Alexandria in the west to Port Said in the east.
99. Bangkok, the capital of the Thailand, is located at the region of the Chao Phraya Delta. It is the political, economic, cultural and educational center of Thailand.
100. The delta - winged Columbia, before reaching the orbit, jettisoned its dual booster rockets two minutes into flight.
101. UC So we can immediately write delta u C is Cv times T1 minus T2. Delta Hc C is Cp times T1 minus T2, right?
102. Objective : Goal discussion gland cystitis and pate delta region inflammation laser treatment.
103. The Hujianshan Area is dominated by fluvial and lacustrine-fluviolacustrine delta sediments in Yanchang Formation, which locates in the south extensional of delta system of Anbian.
104. Late Quaternary stratigraphy and evolution of the Changjiang Delta [], China.
105. It's a part of Sigma - delta analog - to - digital converter, which converts the analog signal to digital domain.
106. Littoral and fluvial facies depositional soft soil distributes widely in the Zhujiang River Delta of China.
107. The cooperation among governments in the Pan - pearl River Delta requires simulation from compensation methods.
108. Note that the Delta character was passed in through the hex character reference (hex 394), and is stored in the ISO8859-1 database correctly.
109. It devastated much of the fertile Irrawaddy delta and Yangon, the nation's main city.
110. The entire membership can enjoy the various services that Pearl River Delta Industrial Union has provided.
111. Egypt capital Cairo, located at the Nile River delta apex south of 14 kilometers place, northing Mediterranean Sea 200 kilometers.
112. Delta is among the carriers slated to cut capacity even further in the fall.
113. The facies includes alluvial fan, fan - delta, offshore lake, shallow lake and deep lake facies.
114. Malians are using MCC funds to improve irrigation systems in the Niger River Delta and modernize the Bamako Airport, which will boost agricultural productivity and expand access to markets and trade.
114. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
115. Photographs don't show the brightness differences between stars well, but to the naked eye Delta is obviously the brightest star in the nearly vertical row of three forming the head of Scorpius.
116. A modified two-dimensional Eulerian air quality model was used to simulate the contribution ratio of anthropogenic sources to ozone formation in Pearl River Delta region (PRD).
117. These insecticidal proteins are commonly known as Insecticidal Crystal Proteins ( ICP ) or delta endotoxin.
118. The enterprise lies on developed area of the Yangtse Rivedr delta - Jinjiang city, Jiangsu province.
119. Or maybe they should have considered Delta -- ready when you are.
120. Life in Color: Green A green frog sits atop a large lily pad in the waters of Atchafalaya Delta.
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