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Curtis in a sentence

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Sentence count:98+2Posted:2018-09-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: curtilagecurtcurtsycurtlycurtailcurtaterecur tocurtainMeaning: n. English botanical writer and publisher (1746-1799). 
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31. She also played in the Curtis Cup for a second time - but that was where the negative thoughts began to rear.
32. Curtis had placed his book bag on the table between us, so that I could barely see him.
33. Ten years after the last plowing, it was evident to Leopold that the reborn Curtis prairie was only a half-breed wilderness.
34. Gooch and Curtis made a solid start and the deficit was passed for the loss of just one wicket.
35. Curtis, for his part, wished he felt as confident as he had tried to sound.
36. Neither Curtis nor the real estate representative for the property would disclose how much the lease will cost.
37. Impassively, relentlessly, Curtis continued to soak the ranting man's clothing, ignoring his pleas.
38. The man responsible for introducing the fateful legislation was none other than Lionel Curtis.
39. And young Curtis has been a bit under the weather, missed training this week, so he's out.
40. He's apparently unbelievable at doing the possessed Curtis dance, where the quietest of men would suddenly explode into compressed derangement.
41. Curtis Seber, who lived in the apartment where the fire began, said he returned to see the building in flames.
42. I gave the novel to the literary agent Curtis Brown to negotiate with a publisher.
43. Because tonight he would punish Detective Lieutenant Curtis for daring to offend him.
44. Seeing Curtis at the door in that way she did not need him to repeat his announcement.
45. He is survived by his wife Denny, two sons, Curtis and Douglas, two daughters-in-law and five grandchildren.
46. Is Curtis Manning ready to send his teams in?
47. Curtis O'keefe would make a fair deal.
48. Why don't you give me a Iittle Curtis Booker?
49. Curtis O'keefe glanced at her sharply.
50. Curtis O'Keefe was a name to conjure with.
51. Why don't you give me a little Curtis Booker?
52. Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis play the musicians.
53. Honda began selling the latest FCX Clarity in the United States in July,( with the first five cars to be delivered to celebrities including film producer Ron Yerxa and actress Jamie Lee Curtis.
54. Conclusion In dry summers and autumns , appropriate measure should be adopted to keep the dermatitis caused by the paederus fuscipes curtis from popular.
55. Two weeks later, on October 15th, John Matthews's brother Curtis was “shot like a dog”, a friend said, in front of the Jazz Daiquiri Lounge.
56. Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon In 1959's Some Like It Hot, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon join an all-girl band to hide from the mob.
57. Confidential director Curtis Hanson , while Zeta - Jones will soon start filming Beyond Borders with Kevin Costner.
58. That similarity and separation adds up to a mystery, according to Curtis Suttle, a biologist at University of British Columbia and a member of the 2009 Cave of Crystals expedition.
59. Some colleges, like Cooper Union, Berea College, and the Curtis Institute of Music, are free for anyone who can get in.
60. Marilyn Monroe returned to Hollywood in 1958 to make "Some Like It Hot" with Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis.
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