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Curtis in a sentence

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Sentence count:98+2Posted:2018-09-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: curtilagecurtcurtsycurtlycurtailcurtaterecur tocurtainMeaning: n. English botanical writer and publisher (1746-1799). 
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91. Princess Mary of Teck married George, the Duke of York (they later became Queen Mary and King George V) in 1893, wearing a gown by Linton and Curtis.
92. She wants to make Lemmon and Curtis believe she is a musician.
93. As with many businesses during those days, their company grew rapidly and they established the first successful regular service between Wilmington and Avalon with a Curtis "Seagull" flying boat.
94. At the Curtis Institute he studied conducting with Fritz Reiner.
95. Curtis L. Carter is director of the Haggerty Museum of art and Professor of Aesthetics at Marquette University's Department of Philosophy, Milwaukee, USA.
96. Dr. Curtis recently used a $1.99 application, ColorSplash, which removes or adds color to pictures, to demonstrate the importance of color in a Caravaggio painting in his seminar on Baroque art.
97. HDTV is also unforgiving about Jamie Lee - Curtis , arguing that she ? ? ? ? looks like a guy ? ? ? ? in high - def.
98. And extension agent Curtis Swift at Colorado State University says people interested in shade planting should also remember something else.
More similar words: curtilagecurtcurtsycurtlycurtailcurtaterecur tocurtainoccur tocurtseycurtnesscurtain callcurtainedcourtiercourtingfurtivehurtingfour timesspurtingiron curtaincurtailmenturticariafurtivelyshower curtainnasturtiumcurtain raiserbamboo curtainwindow curtaincourt martialcourt-martial
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